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Here we goo again😡😡😡😡

What’s going on with my internet!!! Always seeem to have problems s with it!! Nothing connects to it anymore even wired!!!TELUS FIX THIS!!!

Aomar by Neighbour
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Telus Router opening ports and port fowarding

I am trying to run a Teamspeak server and a game server which I had running before my recent move this month. I have open the ports up according to the requirements of the two programs.Forwarded the port to my PC and made sure it was the correct PC (...

Telus not Allowing Magic Jack

I changed from Freedom to Telus in august of 2022. I regretted that.Since I made the change, my Magic Jack IP phone has yet to work.Telus had sent about four technicians, but they needed could not solve the problem. I tried Shaw internet recently, an...

Banks007 by Neighbour
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Fibre Upgrade

I live in a strata lot and was told that my area has not been serviced for fibre upgrade. I was told there is a charge for servicing strata lots but individual houses are not charged. I am stuck at internet 75 and want to get better internet and not ...

Arcadyn router issues on power outage

Hi guys,I've had Telus Internet in my home since June 2021. I've have constant issues with this router everytime there is a power outage. When it comes back online it doesn't work properly.For example, some websites will load and some won't. Some dev...

Girn by Neighbour
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Resolved! Copper to fiber rotary phone issue

We live in an old 1914 house with two rotary phones that do no longer work after fibre upgrade. Dial tone is present but phoning to outside line no longer works. Can we get two of these products from Telus since your marketing tells that nothing will...

MvM by Friendly Neighbour
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