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Resolved! MOCA device help please.

Currently I am using the Arcadyan modem/router on bridged mode. The connection source is through Fibre. The Arcadyan modem has MOCA Capabilities which I am utilizing with another Actiontec MOCA device that is located in the basement. The Actiontec de...

Dan85 by Neighbour
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IPV6 Tips

To get ipv6 working, use the wan and DHCP settings below. the DNS servers are cloudflare and google and seem to be more reliable than the telus servers. you can get a list of public dns servers for ...


Stateless DHCP Not Working

Enabled IPV6 on my router, with statless DHCP. My windows clients are not assigned an IPV6 address. The T3200M does acquire an IPV6 wan address. Model#:T3200M Firmware Version:31.164L.18 It will work with statefull DHCP, but that is not how I would l...

Resolved! Wi-Fi Hub Bridge Mode Issues.

Hi everyone, New to Telus Gig today. Bridged the Wi-Fi Hub to Lan1 FULLY (as I don't have any other Telus services) Hooked up my AC68U (running Merlin) and I'm being throttled at 300 down and 300 up. If I revert directly to the LAN1 port via ethernet...

Gras by Friendly Neighbour
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