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TELUS TV Feature Updates - Ongoing

Dear Neighbours, We’re experimenting with different formats to assure you we’re listening and working on improvements to the TELUS TV platforms. We have frequent releases designed to tackle the platform's immediate and long-term stability, and we’ll ...

Optik-Kate by TELUS Team Member
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Resolved! Optik TV Bulletin Board: Discover, Discuss, and Develop

Dear Neighbours, We’re the TV Product Development team, and we strive to bring you a continuously improving TV service and experience that fits your needs. Since the launch of the new Optik TV service through the TELUS TV+ platform, our business and ...

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Optik-Kate by TELUS Team Member
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Resolved! OPTIK TV streaming issue at my work home

By accident, or by design, Telus has made it virtually impossible for me to stream my OPTIK TV at my work homeI have a second home in Alberta where I stay for work. I have hooked up Telus internet and security, but not OPTIK TV, because I am supposed...

ribbertw by Organizer
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Resolved! HDMI 1 to HDMI 2

I have the new Slim remote. None of the online help relates to solving the issue. 2 weeks later and I've still not understood what to do. Most frustrating so hope someone is able to guide me through the steps. Thanks in advance

watson by Neighbour
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Resolved! Telus Home Assistant not showing up in Alexa app

I am unable to find the Telus Home Assistant app in Alexa when I search for the device. The Telus rep was able to find it right away. I tried on my phone and tablet. Both are Samsung products. I removed the app and reinstalled but had no success.Note...

ML1 by Organizer
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Resolved! channel wanted

Any chance of getting HBO Max ?? I get HBO but would like this additional channel.

Resolved! Optik freeezes

Every time I switch channels after a couple seconds optik freezes for a few seconds

bmlang12 by Friendly Neighbour
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Resolved! Netflix 4k download throttling?

Does telus throttle netflix download speed? I signed up for netflix premium 4k. I have purefibre 75 for internet. on netflix the speed test shows streaming 50mbps. when watching a movie netflix shows only 15.25mbps/2160. Is this normal?

nivekr by Friendly Neighbour
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