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TELUS TV Feature Updates - Ongoing

Dear Neighbours, We’re experimenting with different formats to assure you we’re listening and working on improvements to the TELUS TV platforms. We have frequent releases designed to tackle the platform's immediate and long-term stability, and we’ll ...

Optik-Kate by TELUS Team Member
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Resolved! Optik TV Bulletin Board: Discover, Discuss, and Develop

Dear Neighbours, We’re the TV Product Development team, and we strive to bring you a continuously improving TV service and experience that fits your needs. Since the launch of the new Optik TV service through the TELUS TV+ platform, our business and ...

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Optik-Kate by TELUS Team Member
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Resolved! TV+ box won't start up

All the sudden our TV box won't fully start up. If I unplug and replug it the Telus logo flashes on screen, followed by the android tv loading screen then video just cuts out. The TV says no signal to input. On the box the light is solid white, it do...

Holiday Countdown/ Santa Tracker

Just wondering, especially since it is getting closer to the holidays, what happened to the old design of the holiday tracker on Optik?? I understand it is still on TELUS, but not just me, but others, truly miss the old design of the original holiday...


Not Satisfied - No new TV box in nearly 2 months

I have tried since early November to get a tv box replaced that stopped working. Today I am on my 4th attempt. Each time the help desk swears it is on its doesnt one calls so here I am. There is something wrong with the address...

It's Time For Telus to Adjust Theme Packs

I brought this up before in a different thread but with all the recent channels being dropped ( and more coming on January 1st ) I really think it's time for Telus to adjust a lot of their theme packs. After January 1st there will be a lot of theme p...

(Brand new customer) Still can't even choose my channels :(

Brand new customer 3 days post service install I still can't choose my channel packages on the mytelus app or through the browser. The fact that I wasn't given the opportunity to choose when signing up and told "You can easily make changes (to the ch...

Dbro by Neighbour
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Closed captions

We just signed up to Telus TV and have recently noticed the same issues. CC on recorded programs doesnt work when viewing from the TV, but works fine when using the App on my iPhone. CC on the same program when viewing live on the TV works fine. Any ...

4k PVR and Activation Code Problem

My sister's 4k PVR was a little problematic, so several months ago we received a replacement. The PVR replacement asked for an Activation Code which Telus did not provide. We ended up sending it back and sticking with the old PVR. The old PVR finally...


Recordings list is unavailable. Just added a new remote device

Isa7 by Neighbour
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Unpair a slimline 2 remote from your tv

I'm setting up a 4K digital box. When I was testing stuff before programming the remote, I muted the volume of the box itself and forgot to unmute. I then paired the remote with my tv. Now, no matter what I do, I cannot unmute the box. I tried progra...

Unpair by Neighbour
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Need to return Telus equipment

I have so much unnecessary and outdated Telus gear, and Telus said they would send a return box so I could return the old gear and instead they sent me a new digital box in a tiny box not big enough to ship back all my equipment. How am I supposed to...

braffle by Neighbour
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