since ‎09-02-2015

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I'm watching Sportsnet 4k and Sportsnet One 4k channels. And quite often the sound is cutting out. Now I don't know if this is on Sportsnets end or Telus' end. I've checked and don't believe it's my hdmi cord. 
Just wondering, noticed that SN 4k wasn't showing the NHL Draft like it said it was supposed to. It was showing the Blue Jays game. Not sure if a Sportsnet thing or Telus thing?
The Blue Jays home games are supposed to be outputting 5.1 audio, i have a 5.1 system and yet the audio to me is not 5.1 but rather stereo...and i know that it's supposed to be 5.1 because ive literally spoken to the guy who mixes audio for Sportsnet...
I've noticed when I put it to channel 555 (CMT HD) that it is playing the SD version of the channel and not the HD channel. Is this happening for anyone else?
Why is the quality of sports channels so bad. Channel 937 (NBA Tv Canada) is so bad. The bitrate or bandwidth is horrendous. Other HD sports channels are not great. 4k looks fine. Watching on an OLED you really notice it.....