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TELUS TV Feature Updates - Ongoing

Dear Neighbours, We’re experimenting with different formats to assure you we’re listening and working on improvements to the TELUS TV platforms. We have frequent releases designed to tackle the platform's immediate and long-term stability, and we’ll ...

Optik-Kate by TELUS Team Member
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Resolved! Optik TV Bulletin Board: Discover, Discuss, and Develop

Dear Neighbours, We’re the TV Product Development team, and we strive to bring you a continuously improving TV service and experience that fits your needs. Since the launch of the new Optik TV service through the TELUS TV+ platform, our business and ...

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Optik-Kate by TELUS Team Member
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Optik 4K box freezing

I am have non stop issues with my optik 4K secondary box freezing and restarting. This happens when fast forwarding recorded shows, watching shows on demand and even scrolling the channel guide. This has happened off and on since I was sent the new b...

Jen1980 by Neighbour
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TELUS TV app on my Android TV

Hi, I recent add TELUS TV app to my Android TV and when I use the live TV function, the screen flickers with a black image, it happens on every channel but not when I watch TV on demand. I have done standard troubleshoots, resetting TV, resetting int...

Ambertv by Neighbour
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Resolved! Keep TelusTV updated

Below are the instructions, except I can no longer find auto update apps??? There are updates from time to time, my current version is, I recall that was January, a month ago. I was talked thru doing a manual update, but now cannot find t...

Rocky3 by All-Star
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How to stop the "press the ok button on your remote to watch recordings"

We have a main telus PVR box that is not connected to a tv. We have 2 satellite boxes. When watching recordings on either box, the message above shows up. It stays on the screen for a second or 3 and flashes sporadically (about 20 times) in a 40 minu...

mytaxis by Neighbour
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Does audio out to amp have to be optical?

If I use HDMI direct to my TV, I get video and audio. If I use HDMI into my amp and then out from amp to TV, I only get video, but no audio, so I have to use an optical cable. That works fine, but I was trying to clean up my wires and saw that audio ...

Resolved! New Digital TV Boxes and IGMP Proxy

Hello, this is a question for fellow home nerds and any telus reps looking at the forum. I have a Unifi Dream Machine pro router in my house and take pride in managing my own network. I'm able to completely remove the Telus router from my network and...

PVR fast forward problem

Lately when I was watching a recorded program and tried to fast forward, at certain point during the fast forward, it just jumped right back to the beginning. Now the recording would not go past that point. I contacted service, all they did was reset...

Telus and VPN

To all my fellow traveIers.... everyone enjoying the fact that Telus shut down VPN access to Optik TV on February 13? This is ridiculous. We are paying for this service, we are using a Canadian VPN, why should we be denied access. Telus indicated it'...

glene1 by Organizer
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Resolved! Google Play Store and Downloading Apps

When I go into Google Play Store, I can only use the search to try to find new apps, and none of the ones I am searching for are found, always says no results. I’ve tried Amazon music, Britbox… I do have a google account so unsure why this isn’t work...

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