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Motorolog G Stylus 2020 - MMS Service

Hi there, I recently picked up a Motorola G Stylus phone (upgraded from a Samsung J7 2017). Everything works fine, except there is something odd with the MMS messaging. Basically, I can receive MMS messages when I'm not connected to my wifi. But the ...

jhong75 by Friendly Neighbour
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Roaming Charges Even with Cellular Turned Off

Need help. I'm currently in Thailand on a 45 day trip. I've had my cellular turned off since I boarded my flight in Vancouver but I just received my latest mobility bill via email. They charged me a $180 fee for Easy Roam (17 days). I was under the i...

draff12 by Neighbour
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Signing into Apple ID

I just received my new device today and I was prompted to log into my Apple ID. I enter my password, the password is accepted, and I simply get the loading circle of death and it doesn’t log me in. I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong

Reolink Go

Has anyone had luck getting Reolink Go to work with a Telus Simm card and/or to add on to their shared data? Having no luck with Bell

dcameron by Neighbour
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I want to Create an Account

I'm 16 years old and have been emailed by the company about working as a media search analyst. However when I'm creating the account it asks me to give my account number and I don't know where to get it from. It also asks me to fill in my billing add...

Hi A few questions about the LivingWell CompanionTM Go .

Hi A few questions about the LivingWell CompanionTM Go . What is the actual weight of it. Is it lighter than the Philips lifeline?. When it says water resistant does tha...

bahamas by Neighbour
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Bring it back

It seems my contract expired in October and my 30 days period to return the phone is over. Now I’m charged with 661$. I never received any message from Telus that I have only 30 days to return. I called customer service and they say I should have che...

Reception in NW Calgary (Evanston)

Hi,I’ve been a Telus customer for about 8 years now and never had any major issues with cell reception at home. Over the last couple for years, coincidentally since the start of the pandemic, I have poor reception inside my house. Even though my phon...

Zooter by Neighbour
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Pixel 6 restarting

Is anyone else experiencing constant restarts with their new Pixel 6 Pro? Mine restarts without prompting 3 - 4 times a day.