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BB 5G! => Key3? BlackBerry's new partner is OnwardMobility of Austin, Texas, which will outsource manufacturing to Foxconn — a Taiwan-based company best known as the primary manufacturer of Apple's iPhones

xl by CPU Alum
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BTS Samsung 2020

Hi! Looking for a good deal for BTS Samsung cellular 2020. Message me back if you have any info. Tha

Mummzy by Neighbour
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Resolved! Galaxy note 4 models

Hi...Currently have a samsung note 4 model SM-N910W8. Will a new unlocked GSM note 4 model SM-910A, 910T, 910F, 910C work on our network? Thank You!

Nels by Neighbour
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Resolved! Can't access telus webmail on my phone anymore

Tried to view my webmail on my mobile chrome browser today but it brought me to a "this page does not exist" page. It works fine on desktop. I was able to view it yesterday with no issue. Help?

Rapono by Helpful Neighbour
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Resolved! Will this phone work on Telus network?

I purchased a Red Magic 5G phone and was wondering if it will work on the Telus Network. The Specs are as follows for Networks Network*SIM: dual SIMSA+NSA: compatible with both standalone and non-standalone modes 5G: NR n41/n782G+3G+4G:GSM 2/3/5/8WCD...

New prepaid phone.

My old prepaid phone died. I bought a new phone LG K20 for my prepaid plan. The new phone takes a different SIM card so I cannot just change cards. Unfortunately the sales man could not get the new SIM card number changed on my Telus account. I have ...

peter77 by Neighbour
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Resolved! Shipping during Covid

Anyone know how long it takes before an Item ships? I purchased a phone that was in stock on August 1st and received an email that the order was submitted for shipment two days later. It's been a week since I placed the order. Is anyone else facing s...