Resolved! Forum Trouble
I can't upload a picture to the forum. Which forum do I post to regarding this issue? Shane.
I can't upload a picture to the forum. Which forum do I post to regarding this issue? Shane.
Greetings, I purchased the Track+. Does anyone know where I can download a manual? There was a Quick Start Guide in the box but it didn't help much. I've already checked the manufacturers website and the app developer. Specifically, I'm trying to fig...
Whenever I try to log in I get an error message that says something went wrong and please try later. I'm using a Samsung A5. Can anyone help?
I've never had a problem with Telus, but my latest experience is really lowering my opinion of the brand. I ordered an iPhone 11 Pro upgrade on Oct 2, and received the "Your order is on it's way" email on Oct 4, with a UPS tracking number. Days passe...
Hi I am doing a neighbour a favour. He does not have data or internet services and wants to register the shatterproof protector (34.99) he just got for the Samsung A20. Where can I do that for him
I ordered a iPhone 12 XS max and now it’s being sent to the wrong address. Called *611 and they can’t change the delivery address for my phone. I need help with this ASAP
Curious if Telus requires another credit check to add a smartwatch to my plan or if the initial check when I opened my account is sufficient. I would prefer to limit the number of inquiries on my credit report.
Greetings, Telus has the 2019 razr. Motorola has come out with another razr that apparently has fixed the problems in the first version. However, it is an unlocked device. Does this mean it will not be coming to Telus? Shane.
We have a Google Pixel 2 XL (March 2018) and Pixel 3 (April 2019) that we own (off contract or paid out) that were using Telus SIMs.Just received new Pixel 5 phones and switched the SIMs into the new phones, and now I want to sell the old ones.I have...
How do I get a puk number