Looking at the post on the desktop. Those attachments have been removed. A blacklisted device is not usable on any Canadian or US network. There are other countries that also share blacklists so it would not be usable on a lot of cellular networks...
I do not work for Telus so I can't look into anything for you. I just see situations like this over the years on various cell company forums and try to help in any way that I can. I don't know if I would say this issue is on Telus. We don't know ex...
That is really unfortunate to hear. Have you tried contacting the retailer you purchased it from about replacing it with one not blacklisted? I am a bit curious about the response you had from Telus, justifying their position. It isn't impossible ...
What device are you using? Your device needs to be compatible with the riaming partner's network to be able to connect. If you are using a BYOD that is considered a grey market device. You will not be permitted to use your roaming.