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IPad Pro


Any body here had experience with Ipad Pro orders? When I ordered I was told that shipping would take 1 week. When I go online with a purchase order number it says 3-4 weeks. Any body got it faster than that? 


Hello @BrandonT

Thank you for the reply back! Appreciate it ☺️

@BrandonT As for Telus placing orders of iPad Pros from Apple and its partners, do you just order what is currently listed/needed for your inventory and orders that have been placed by customers, or do you also place additional stock volume to be able to accommodate (or in anticipation) of future orders?

Hello @ohohzaximo

They probably only order once a month or twice a month with the total of orders they get from customers. I ordered mine mid June and got it beggining of September.

Apple is also having a huge backlog with their orders of the IPad Pro too. Remember Apple also reserves most stock for their own orders from their stores and their website.

Wow that's a long time!
I really should've bought it when it came out.

Thanks for your reply!

I'm still eagerly waiting for my order, although I know I have just placed it recently, I am hoping for it to arrive sooner

I see they are backordered about a month on the Apple store, so hopefully they are able to fill orders for Telus soon.  I must have just happened to go into the Apple store at the right time as I went in during early July and bought an iPad 12.9 for myself and my wife got an 11 inch.  They are very nice units so I am not surprised they are hard to get.

So did you get your iPad?!!!

Hello! I ordered my iPad yesterday. I honestly didn’t even look on how long it would take to get it delivered. Are them iPads still backordered and is there still a huge delay to be expected? Thanks in advance for your response. Cheers

@Marco88  Apple is still facing supply/demand issues, but that is easing up a bit better than before because many people are starting to wait for the new MiniLED Pros in March.


(PS, expect the wait for the new Pros to be even WORSE due to pent up demand from last year, when it didn't come as planned, plus the people before that waiting for a generational upgrade).

I’ve been waiting for 9 weeks for it to be shipped to me.