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Gmail Migration - New Support Content

TELUS Team Member
TELUS Team Member

Hey everyone, as many of you have noticed, since last year, we’ve been migrating customers to the new TELUS email powered by Google. Providing new benefits, such as:

  • Triple your current storage space from 5 GB to 15 GB
  • Being able to check your email on any device
  • Improved reliability and security for your peace of mind

From the forum conversations that we’ve seen, we understand that it wasn’t perfect, and we have worked continuously to update our support information, to help provide a seamless transition.


Here is our new support video to provide you an end to end overview of the migration process, as well as resources available. 



Below we’ve included the URLs mentioned in the video:


If you received an invite to migrate, or want early access:

Info you will need on the day of migration:

Help with third party email programs (e.g. MS Outlook, Mozilla Thunderbird):


If you still have any unanswered questions, please let us know below. 


Please note: We have limited support for third party email programs, and may need to direct you to your email program provider for assistance. 



Here are my questions:

Is Telus going to provide the email support to the new email service?

Is the account administration still be done by Telus?

If I can't recover my password, will Telus be able to?


Recovery phone number:

Does Telus suggest Telus customers to give their phone number to Google? You know .... for recovery purpose 😉


TELUS Team Member
TELUS Team Member

@Just_LH Thanks for reaching out. Here are the answers: 


Is Telus going to provide the email support to the new email service?

- Yes, email support will be provided by TELUS 

Is the account administration still be done by Telus?

- Yes, TELUS email powered by Google is covered by our terms and conditions, including our privacy policy. We safeguard customer data through administrative, physical and technical security controls.

If I can't recover my password, will Telus be able to?

- Yes. TELUS team members will be able to reset your password.

Recovery phone number

- This would be a personal preference. As mentioned, we protect and safeguard customer data to our standard, which you can find HERE

That is very good news.

Makes a big difference.

thank you

So I did the migration.

Two things for people trying to protect their privacy.

One, the recovery phone number definitely goes into the google section. Which makes no sense as now the account is double managed.

I can recover thought google and telus. (I used recovery email not phone number)

Two, the contact information also goes into the google account. What else I don't know.

But you are making a new google email account, but instead of @gmail ..... it's @Anonymous. and telus has some access to the management.


I am saying some because I wanted to change my email (the first part) before transferring and it was not available. Support said it should be there but it wasn't. So they said after the transfer it will be there. It's not. To change or ADD another email address. 10 comes with telus account.

So now I made an email address with google that I don't want to use. 😞

I would have taken more time but it's like every day they telus was pushing to schedule...schedule.

TELUS Team Member
TELUS Team Member

@Just_LH I understand where your concerns are coming from. Would encourage you to reach out to our privacy team if you have more questions. They are available at 1-800-567-0000 or by email


More information can also be found on our webpage here



Hello! How do you get the email to schedule the migration? I've been reading alot of posts and searched the google! It tells me to go to the My Wifi app and look in the Notifications for the Early access pass. Well, it says 'all clear' in my notifications screen, with a picture background of a lion cub(or leopard) This has been like this since at least this past christmas or earlier. Any way to trigger the migration or get the early access?

Community Power User
Community Power User

Early Access was during the latter part of the summer; now Telus is just going down the list of users.


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thanks for the reply.  Now my next question, is what happens when you get that email?

so shortly after my initial comment here, today i got the email from telus asking me to schedule migration.  however, when i click that button and re-login to my webmail, nothing happens or pops up.  just shows my webmail interface, on the browser. i've tried all 3 browsers - chrome, Firefox and MS Edge. everytime i click on the schedule migration button/link in the email, nothing seems to happen. Is there supposed to be another email or popup that gets sent to me after? i have no where that i can see to proceed with the next steps?

Thanks for your help!

Community Power User
Community Power User

When you login from the received email, you should be taken to a screen which asks the date you prefer to migrate, which of your email aliases you want as primary, what screen name you want associated with the email address (first name last name) and a number or alternate email to send a confirmation text to. Once you enter the confirmation into the screen, your migration is confirmed.


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Maybe you are scheduled, because since I scheduled , it takes me directly to inbox.

Transfer tomorrow.

I posted a minute ago, this is exactly what happened for my wife. She was using Safari on an iPad. 

Community Power User
Community Power User

Has she tried re-starting the process from the beginning? Other than the usual contact information at the page bottom, I am not aware of a specialized contact other than for support.


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Thanks for the reply, NFtoBC. Yes, she has tried a number of times, always with the same result. It is the exact same issue a WarG reported two weeks ago. We are not wanting to sit on hold to talk to someone who might not be able to help. The link you gave sends me to the same pages we have read a few times already. I think we will have to try an online agent. 

We tried the same page again just now and it worked. No idea what we did different this time. So we are scheduled for conversion.


We migrated my wife's email address to the new Gmail system, and since doing that, she is unable to sign in to Pokemon Go. Pokemon Go does not have their own sign in options. They don't have user id and passwords, they authenticate strictly by using either Facebook or Google log in information stored on the phone. Actually, you could also use Pokemon Trainer Club or Niantic Kids, but we never used either.


Since amalgamating the accounts, she cannot log in to Pokemon Go, I assume due to changes within the Google Account that occurred during the migration.


Has anyone else experienced this problem?

Community Power User
Community Power User

Not sure what you mean by ‘amalgamating the accounts.’ The, and an existing Gmail address should be two separate identities. The Telus produce is a commercial G-Suite account, not a consumer account.


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@CWFinlayson If you are on Android you can go to the Android Settings/Accounts to see which account is associated with the app. It's possible your app switched from your previous account to the acount when you added that account to the phone. There should be something equivalent for iPhone if that's what you have.


And what about customers who, unlike Telus, don't want anything to do with a company like Google who eagerly helps police state dictators like Communist China censor what their customers can discover and explore on the Web? 

Who eagerly helps the Communist Chinese fascists spy on their citizens and assign them "social scores" that determine what kind of job they can have, whether their kids can go to school, whether they can travel, etc.

Telus might not mind working with Google despite their record of privacy breaches and helping murderous police state dictators.  But that goes against everything I believe in after wearing a Canadian infantryman's uniform for 30 years, being deployed against murderous dictators exactly like that.  And against everything I believe in as a Canadian.


What about that?  Don't worry about it?  Go  ahead, change my mind...

totally agree.  if i wanted a gmail i would get one, now we are forced into it by telus.

They will not give me a good answer as to why I am paying $8/mo for my telus email now that it is really gmail.  no choice in this sucks.