Been on hold for too damned long, and I want to cancel my services. Someone pick up.
Why don't you use chat option on their web site? It is a purple square smiley icon in the lower right corner of your browser when you slick on support link. Much faster than calling in, in my experience.
The chat option on the website is a BOT. The BOT can do absolutely nothing to help anyone with cancellations. All it can do is point to articles on the Telus website.
Chat starts as BOT. Once you tell it that you want to cancel your service it will transfer you to the live agent. From that point on the process is same as if you called in (trying to resolve the issue, transfer to retention, and, eventually, cancellation).
Saturday - last edited Saturday
@TELUS_Support here may be able to assist. The bot also will direct you to a person if you type "agent" . A reply is sent saying they are all busy, would you like a call back in x number of minutes. If no call arrives, type "agent" again. I have solved several problems using this method.
Never had to try this method I only heard of it. You find your new provider and have them cancel your current account. The theory is people bounce back and forth between a very limited group who basically exchange customers. None want to see you go, but let you go as they work this to their mutual benefit. Years ago I actually saw we will pay off your penalty, maybe they still do it.
Facing the same issue, but I am trying to activate my internet. Guess will have to call for deactivation too