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7 hours ago
I just found out from a friend of mine who still receives monthly paper bills that, according to the fine print at the bottom of his bill, Telus Reward points earned before December 31, 2023 are going to expire at the end of this month, January 2025! How would people know this? Who reads the tiny fine print at the bottom of their paper phone bill, if they even receive one? I didn't believe that Telus would do such a thing to their customers without making sure that their customers were informed of this change through letters, emails, online posts, large notices on their website, etc., so I went online to download a copy of my last bill (I don't get paper bills so I never look at the entire thing), and sure enough, In teeny tiny fine print at the bottom of my 4-page bill, it says:
"As of January 30, 2025, points accumulated up to December 31, 2023 will no longer be retained. Points earned in 2024 will not be impacted.
1. WHY has there not been an email informing customers of this and why is there nothing on the Telus Rewards web page to indicate that points are expiring?
2. WHY would reward points expire? No other rewards program I know of does this to their customers as long as the account is kept active.
My prediction is that, unless a major information campaign is started on this change, Telus will have many upset customers losing their Reward Points.
4 weeks ago
You should have sent emails. That's the least you can do for an important change. And I fail to understand how fostering a better experience starts with taking away the points. That has wrecked it right from the start.
3 weeks ago
Are you able to private message me regarding this issue. I have some questions. Thank you.
3 weeks ago
Hello, Can you please private message me as I have some questions regarding the rewards program.
2 weeks ago
Can you give back the points that we previously earn we pay for it anyway
2 weeks ago
Can you return the points that we earned for being a costumer for more that 10 yeras
a week ago
We can look to see if there's anything we can do. We'll send you a private message to discuss further.
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I've got the same rewards points problem. Is there someone I can call to help resolve? Thank you kindly!
Thi is lame. I guess I'm moving to Rogers in June.
I'm just loving the responses from Telus. "We always encourage everyone to read their bills, including any important notes" Who READS the fine print nowadays? I'm sure glad I found out about this else I would have to e-mail or call them from my new Rogers/Shaw accounts!
I love reading the comments from Telus "We always encourage everyone to read their bills, including any important notes" who READS the fine print anymore? Sure glad I found out otherwise I'd be emailing/phone them from my Roger Shaw account
3 weeks ago
If it's such an important note why is it note on the webpage where you log-in? Or at the top of the bill?
This is driving me crazy - exactly where on your bill did you find this information ???? I've checked the last 3 e-mails from Telus showing my bill amounts and there's nothing there, I've checked my last 3 bills on the Telus website and can't see anything there and I even checked all my updated service agreements from the last 3 months and don't see anything about the Telus rewards going away. I'm not doubting you at all but I would like to see exactly where Telus put ( hid ? ) this information.
a month ago
I still receive paper bills and check the last 6 months and there is nothing on there that references the rewards expiring. I only found out from this thread that Dalyha started.
a month ago
After learning of this I had to search for it. It was among some other paragraphs at the bottom of my December 2024 PDF bill.
"TELUS Rewards Historical Points Update
As of January 30, 2025, points accumulated up to December 31, 2023 will no longer be retained. Points earned in 2024 will not be impacted. Visit www.telus.com/rewards to redeem before January 30, 2025."
This whole thing smacks of the tricks AirMiles tried to pull a few years ago.
4 weeks ago
It's way at the bottom of the second page.
The only place I saw this information was in fine print at the bottom of the PDF version of my December 10, 2024 Home Services bill. It is not on my Mobility bill, nor is it on the webpage versions of the Home Services bill. I'll paste a photo of it below. I would never have known about this either unless my friend, who reads every word of fine print on every document, pointed it out to me. Confirmed as per the above replies from the Telus people.
I just looked my January 10, 2025 Home Services bill however and it does not appear at the bottom of that one! Does this mean that Telus has reversed the decision, or did they decide that enough notice was given on just the December statement?
a month ago
Well, considering I just noticed a big chunk of points was removed my by points, I doubt that they have changed their mind.
I had NO IDEA that points earned before December 31 2023 would expire. I have an electronic bill and I just check my app and pay. I don't check the fine print on e notices (I guess now based on Telus's business practices now, I guess I should). Some more overt notice would have been nice.
They can establish the rules for this service the way they like, but they need to let us all know what is going on... otherwise it looks like a slick move.
I have seen the notice on the bill. What's interesting is that there is no mention of expiry for current and future points (from January 2024 onwards). Going forward, how long are points good for?
Who knows, it's probably a good idea to "spend 'em while you have 'em".
They deleted the posting I made on the "Mobility Products and Services" page and pasted it on this page, I'm assuming to prevent it from being seen. Spread the word! ✊
a month ago
We like to keep things tidy around here, so posts may be moved to relevant locations to avoid duplicate threads, etc. Instead of spamming multiple posts with the same thing, we often recommend keeping discussion in one thread so as to avoid confusion and make it easier for users to see things. Thanks.
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