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Telus Reward Points are Expiring End of January 2025?

Friendly Neighbour

I just found out from a friend of mine who still receives monthly paper bills that, according to the fine print at the bottom of his bill, Telus Reward points earned before December 31, 2023 are going to expire at the end of this month, January 2025! How would people know this? Who reads the tiny fine print at the bottom of their paper phone bill, if they even receive one? I didn't believe that Telus would do such a thing to their customers without making sure that their customers were informed of this change through letters, emails, online posts, large notices on their website, etc., so I went online to download a copy of my last bill (I don't get paper bills so I never look at the entire thing), and sure enough, In teeny tiny fine print at the bottom of my 4-page bill, it says:


"As of January 30, 2025, points accumulated up to December 31, 2023 will no longer be retained. Points earned in 2024 will not be impacted. 


1. WHY has there not been an email informing customers of this and why is there nothing on the Telus Rewards web page to indicate that points are expiring?

2. WHY would reward points expire? No other rewards program I know of does this to their customers as long as the account is kept active.


My prediction is that, unless a major information campaign is started on this change, Telus will have many upset customers losing their Reward Points.





Telus getting ideas from AirMiles.  

I just redeemed for a $50 bill credit.  Had to use 58 points to get it 🙁


I went online to download a copy of my last bill (I don't get paper bills so I never look at the entire thing), and sure enough, In teeny tiny fine print at the bottom of my 4-page bill, it says:


"As of January 30, 2025, points accumulated up to December 31, 2023 will no longer be retained. Points earned in 2024 will not be impacted. 




I just checked my November and December bills and I don't see anything in the fine print about losing Telus Rewards Points. Did you see this on your January bill ??? My bills go from the first of the month to the end of the month so I usually get my bills around the 5th each month. I'll definitely look and see if it's there when my January bill arrives. If it is there then hopefully Telus tell us just how our points are split up - how many were earned before December 31 - 2003 and how many were earned after that date.

Friendly Neighbour

You're absolutely right, Telus should be giving people a breakdown of the points earned before and after December 31, 2023. The one and only notice I have ever seen about this "rewards" points theft was in fine print at the bottom of my Telus Home Services bill dated December 10, 2024, and it was only brought to my attention by my friend who still receives paper bills and is one of those people who read every character of fine print on every piece of paper he receives. I haven't received a paper bill for years so I went online to look at my December bill and sure enough it was there, but again, in tiny fine print on the back page. I also checked my October and November bills... there were no notices regarding points on those ones. I can't believe it's even legal for Telus to do this without proper notice and explanation to their customers.

Official Support Team
Official Support Team

Hello. We always encourage everyone to read their bills, including any important notes that we may include from time to time such as this. This change is being made to foster a better customer experience later this year. It's to encourage more active participation from our customer base so we can revitalize our catalogue with relevant and exciting prizes, as well as to launch new benefits. 

If our reply resolved your issue, please click on Accept as Solution to help others in the community.

Telus is trying to "foster a better customer experience" by taking people's "reward" points away without proper warning or explanation? I can't wait to to see what customers have to say about this experience. Yes we are certainly getting fostered alright.

1. Why is there no notice whatsoever about points expiring on the "Rewards" Points page?

2. Why is there no breakdown of "reward" points earned before December 31, 2023 so people know how much "reward" points they need to redeem before they are lost?

3. Is Telus prepared for the onslaught of calls from angry customers who have discovered that their "Reward" Points have disappeared at the end of January without proper notice or explanation? Not to mention the resulting media attention?

It's not too late to reverse or at least postpone this extremely poor decision and provide Telus customers and shareholders with proper notice of these changes. It's a basic part of the customer service that we pay for and deserve.

Official Support Team
Official Support Team

We've notified clients via messaging on their bills as already stated. You can check out the Activity tab in the Rewards dashboard to view your earning/spending activity at any time. There actually isn't a charge for the Rewards program, so you're not paying for anything other than your services as per usual. 

If our reply resolved your issue, please click on Accept as Solution to help others in the community.

We are paying for customer service as part of our contracts, which we are not receiving when we are not properly notified of changes to our accounts. It's better to get rid of this "rewards" program entirely than to lure customers to sign up with and renew with Telus Services using incentives such as the "rewards" program and then suddenly and without warning withdraw those incentives. Or, just as bad, to reduce the value of those incentives... a $50 bill credit that used to cost 50 points is now 58 points?? This leaves such a bad taste in consumers' and shareholders' mouths. Similar to the practice of locking customers into contracts but still raising prices on them in the middle of such contracts. It's very sadly what we've all come to expect and put up with as consumers.