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Resolved! I phone 12

I ordered an iPhone 12 2.5 weeks ago in store. The assistant said it would ship within 1-2 weeks and I’ve still heard nothing?

Alain1 by Neighbour
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Resolved! Shareable data

Why do I pay for shareable data when I’m the only one on my phone plan, no others use my data!

Resolved! PUK de carte SIM

Bonjour, mon IPhone est tout brisé et je ne peux plus l'utiliser. Mon fils m'a prêté son vieux LG G5 pour le moment. Petit problème, lorsque j'insère la carte SIM, on me demande d'entrer le PUK. Est-ce que quelqu'un peut m'aider pour cette situation?...

Véro by Neighbour
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Resolved! Shipping

About a week after I placed my order I got this email“Your order has been submitted for shipment. Once shipped off to you, you will receive an email with the tracking number and the name of the courier company who will be delivering the package to yo...

Porting from Bell

Good evening,Are all customer care centers closed? I ported over from Bell earlier today and after being on the phone for about an hour and a half my wife's phone didn't work. Went into the store to get a new SIM as directed by customer care after wa...

What is a Personal ID Label?

Greetings, On the back of the Track+ there are two boxes: a Personal ID Label on the left and a QR Code on the right. What is a Personal ID Label? The Neighbourhood doesn't allow pictures to be uploaded, so I uploaded the picture to OneDrive. Thanks,...

Shane by Leader
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Emergency Alert Testing reminder for tomorrow (Nov 25)

Stay tuned for emergency alert testing tomorrow, Nov 25, from your TELUS devices. Don’t be alarmed: Most provinces and territories will be conducting a test of our system TOMORROW on TV, radio, and compatible phones! Schedule:1:55pm for BC1:55pm for ...

xl by CPU Alum
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