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I just learned Telus is migrating webmail to Gmail!

Community Power User
Community Power User

I suspect this is related to email issues Telus had in August but that's speculation on my part. I was trying to modify my Junk mail settings for Webmail and can't seem to find the settings to change it. In the process I discovered this:

Webmail to Gmail migration: What you need to know Starting March 2020, we will begin migrating all TELUS Webmail accounts to Gmail, the Google email platform


If this was publicized I seem to have missed it. More information here:


Here's hoping this transition goes smoothly. I'm curious what the privacy implications are as that's why I've stayed away from Gmail.

Just a long time customer hoping to help.
107 REPLIES 107

To Dar11
Can you tell me if you were ever. finally able to get into your offline/local emails? We are having a horrible time with this. Can’t get into any folders either nor any business contacts plus absolutely NO help from Telus or Google! OMG. On top of that No Tech support will come to the house due to COVID!

Friendly Neighbour
If you click on the square of nine dots at the upper right of your screen, it will come up apps. Pick contacts and your contacts should be there. Cannot help u on the folder problem.

Nothing shows in contacts at all.
Have done the shut down & start up, etc. “ZIP”
Absolutely no stored Email folders are accessible or contacts. Can’t get into our MS Outlook 2010 as it is frozen. I understand this was done on purpose. We are not tech savvy and usually have a computer person come to help. Not one iota of assistance from Telus help lines or Google online help - we should be sending all our computer Tech costs and all our loss of business Costs in a big bill to Telus!
Those of us who are having all these major problems and headaches with Telus/Google mass migration should be put back the way it was! Then either get a new separate Google Mail that doesn’t affect all our hard work. Or .... perhaps go to Shaw mail! What a mess!

Try doing a search in your computer for a .pst folder, all your old emails, contacts etc will be in that folder.
By default it should be located :
 C\Users\user\Documents\Outlook Files\archive.pst

Helpful Neighbour
Tried it, doesn't work. I've gone into Applications and all it shows for contacts is those that were on gmail to start with. I need the contacts that were attached to Telus webmail.

Telus should have migrated those contacts to Google Contacts. Sounds like you will need their help to find them.

Helpful Neighbour
Exactly, Ron! I need Telus's help to do what Telus should have done, you've hit the nail on the head. Getting help from Telus is like seeking the Holy Grail. For a start, you need to set aside a whole day and there's no guarantee you'll make an inch of progress.
I do appreciate the help you and others have offered but the people who should be involved with this, those managers at Telus who get paid to look after customers, are never anywhere to be seen.

Helpful Neighbour
I hear you! I've come to the conclusion the only way to get your contacts into gmail is to laboriously transfer them by hand, a ton of re-typing. And now Telus has announced it will no longer support Call Reveal and if you want to intercept nuisance calls you're going to have to switch to a new platform, for which they're probably going to ask you to pay. The 'reason' given is that their 'technology no longer supports Call Reveal', which is a load of BS. Their technology can do whatever they ask it to do. It cunningly offers telemarketers all kinds of ways to get at you so that you have to pay to stop them. The arsonist masquerading as the Fire Brigade.
Sadly, switching to an alternative provider probably isn't going to help. The entire telecom industry is sourced from the same workforce, they just move from one inept company to another, bringing with them entrenched telecom culture. And don't bother trying to get the CRTC involved. Same people, in government suits, snoozing around within a comfortable bureaucracy doing nothing and getting well-paid for it. I know, I was in the industry for nearly ten years, an incredibly frustrating experience.

LynnB  like you I also investigated ahead of time and was willing to see what this migration was. And exactly like you I found tech -support hopeless trying to direct us into an already broken system. I'm furious that we were sold down the toilet by tellus. Google must've offered them a fortune and anything we say is meaningless where just sheep to these evil large corporations. The only difference between you and I is I was probably losing more than you because I relied on pop protocol email which can be handled by your PC software example Outlook or any other third-party software that handles true mail. Handling your own mail this way is clean and efficient faster more secure than anything online so I'm losing a lot.


As for Tellus that scum company... They would've been better off to just dump their email and leave us to fend for ourselves. Anybody can sign up to an online email account with way less hassles. So we lost pop protocol email in favor of garbage.... And tell us continues to raise their prices and offer less.


I am so sorry you went through the nightmare by now you're probably thinking the same as me you shouldn't of you should've just said goodbye to your email make a new one on your own online anywhere you want hopefully not Google though... I'm a technician all my life trust me stay away from Google.... Try yandex I found this online email to be one of the few that you can talk to and they listen. I absolutely talk to them and they made changes to the way the email was handled within hours. Google won't even hear a word you say even if you put a gun to their head neither will Telus.


I hope other people hear your words on your nightmare with Telus . It would have been the same for me I just decided to stop because I knew it was useless and I just abandoned and accepted they stopped by email and there's nothing I can do. I use Yandex now which can never replace my PCs email software I'm taking a huge hit but that's what I did. Please stay away from Google.

Helpful Neighbour

When I heard Telus was going to close down their email and migrate us, I knew their customers were about to face a complete meltdown. And so it has happened. The promised texts to provide us with info never happened. On the day of migration, getting tech support was impossible. When, or if, you finally got through you found yourself talking to someone who had been through days of training on how to be 'nice' but who new nothing about anything. Apparently there was a dedicated team set up specifically to deal with migration issues. It does't take much experience of Telus operating practices to anticipate such a team, if it existed, would be buried for months after activation. And so it turned out. They were impossible to reach. Searching for answers on the net took you round in circles until you were about to disappear up your own backside. Explanations of migration steps were either impossibly vague or downright wrong, at least for Apple users. Over days of messing about I've finally managed to get 90% of the migration successfully completed, no thanks at all to Telus and, to be fair, not much more to Google or Apple. Whenever you've got tech companies 'coordinating' you've invariably got a dog's breakfast.

My one remaining issue is trying to get all my contacts over to Google and, before you ask, yes I've gone to the Google page and followed the instructions and looked on the internet for answers. Nevertheless, two thirds of my contacts remain unmigrated.

This all reminds me of when Microsoft decided to close the door on XP users. I simply shut down my PC, switched to Mac and have never returned. No doubt, there will come a day when Apple dosomething similarly arrogant but I'll cross that one when it comes. Meanwhile I'll embark on a process of looking at how to unhitch from Telus, one service at a time, since they started the game. Trouble is, picking telecom providers is a bit like voting in elections these days, it's 'hold you nose' time. And then there's the CRTC to turn to. Yes, when you've finished laughing .................

You'll get very short notice of your pending migration, and be prepared for a nasty surprise if you use Outlook as your client and need POP rather than IMAP. 


I cannot get any incoming mail on my Outlook now, and I have been unable to get any information about or resolution to this issue, even though it is a supposedly a known issue - or so the 'technicians' I have dealt with say.


The stock advice given is to "try again in 2-3 days" which is likely simply means "the answer to your question isn't on the one-page flowchart at my workstation so I have no idea what to do and just want you to go away now." Considering the migrations to the Gmail platform began in March and it is now mid-May, they've been saying this a LOT.  If it is truly a known issue, I cannot help but think TELUS has absolutely no interest in addressing the problem. If they do, they certainly aren't giving their 'technicians' any information or advice to share with custoemrs. Unless they only allow the you-have-to-pay-for-it support team to have access to information about how to support customers. There is also no ability to escalate anything. 

Community Power User
Community Power User

I currently don't use Gmail but these instructions may help to get POP working:


I'm curious why you would require POP?


Just a long time customer hoping to help.

Friendly Neighbour

Reply to @TLS 


I think I understand your problem. You use Outlook and download your email onto a device. (And, maybe, like me, you use more than one device to see your email, but leave it there until you get it on Outlook?)


Try this:

In the Gmail webmail page, click on the Setting gear icon.

Choose Forwarding and POP/IMAP

Under POP download choose Enable POP for all mail (even mail that's already been downloaded)

Save changes.

Go into Outlook and retrieve your email.


Please post back to let us know if this works, or if you find a better way!


Gmail does not save this setting. You will have to do go through these steps EVERY TIME!!!


Telus should pay us to endure this.


And for those of you out there who are shaking their heads and saying "Why don't you just use the webmail?" I need access to emails when I'm out in the remote areas and have NO ACCESS to internet. Once downloaded I can carry them anywhere.

Community Power User
Community Power User

IMAP can do what you want. If you are using Outlook there is an option to keep local copies in the event you don't have Internet access.


More information here:


There really isn't any reason to use POP unless your client doesn't support IMAP.

Just a long time customer hoping to help.

I was migrated over May 5th. I have been having problems ever since! Late emails and doubles. Now, no incoming mail. Friends have been phoning to see if I have received their emails. I am really pissed off now. 

I thought the same but it actually does save them, although not very intuitively. Instead of leaving the selected radio button highlighted as it does for the IMAP section,  the text changes to this in bold and green:


1. Status: POP is enabled for all mail

Are those of gmail with Telus server also having problems.  They call themselves engineers and technicians and made a holy mess of everything.

Helpful Neighbour
Most of my issues have now gone away, perhaps more due to my efforts than those of Telus. Took about a week of messing around after the migration date before things started to work. At least I'm now able to connect with Gmail via Apple Mail, and as far as I can tell the functionality is still there.

 A friend of mine is an older widow, she just moved into a new place and has had nothing but problems with Telus, and on top of that Telus decided to do the transition to Gmail without telling here. 
She struggles with tech stuff at the best of times and now is stuck trying to get help to figure this out, she's spent hours on the phone talking to people including supervisors who now ignore her calls.  Every time she calls she gets a different person, usually they're overseas and hard to understand.
The way TELUS treats it's senior tech challenged long term customers is nothing short of embarrassing to us; both my wife and I retired from Telus after 35 plus years.  
C'mon TELUS!




Try this:

In the Gmail webmail page, click on the Setting gear icon.

Choose Forwarding and POP/IMAP

Under POP download choose Enable POP for all mail (even mail that's already been downloaded)

Save changes.

Go into Outlook and retrieve your email.


Please post back to let us know if this works, or if you find a better way!


Since you didn’t receive a reply from TLS to your suggestion above I decided to try it, but unfortunately it didn’t work for me, but thanks for trying to help through your own experiences,


I had success, following the steps provided by PCherian, to setup POP mail on my main laptop computer, (it’s on WIFI), with both sending and receiving with Outlook 2010.  But, I then tried to set it up in my desktop computer, (it’s on Ethernet) – I have Telus Fibre.  It will send email, but not receive email not previously downloaded. It used to work with no problems, but I realized I haven’t had to use the desktop computer for this purpose since changing to Telus fibre, so don’t know if there is any relationship.


I closed Gmail on the laptop, and put on sleep, and then it was only after restarting the desktop computer that it would finally send email from Outlook, but it still would not receive.  The error was a rejection of username/password.


They are both old computers, upgraded to Windows 10 – (the desktop from XP to W.7 then W.10).  Maybe like me, they're just too old and tired to handle all this constant "change" stuff.