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Collections With No Notice

Just Moved In

I am lucky to have answered the phone and paid the collections account with General Credit Services before it was reported to the credit bureau.


I received a phone call from General Credit Solutions in regards to an account that was closed 2 YEARS AGO. We had moved from Calgary to a more rural location and Telus could not provide the same service so they cancelled the contract. We returned all of the equipment as requested and that was that. Apparently there were some sort of fees or something that was still on the account as I had absolutely no notice of an outstanding balance, even being a CURRENT CUSTOMER. 

It’s absolutely ridiculous how they would treat someone like this, potentially ruining someones credit score as a multi-billion dollar corporation over $60. Especially a customer that has been with you since I was 13 years old. I don’t care about the money, if it’s owed, it’s owed. I care about the backhanded no notice business practise. A collections agency could call me but God forbid Telus calls you to let you know before they try to ruin your credit.


As soon as I am able I am leaving this company as a customer. To anyone reading this experiencing the same thing, don’t walk, RUN away from this company.