a month ago
9 pm Alberta time and I go to redeem some Rewards for a gift card. My balance is zero. Pardon? So down the rabbit hole I go and find out Telus is wiping out everyone's reward points balance effective today. OK fine that's on me for not reading my bill and the fine print. No email sent out from Telus. No notification on the app. Not even any notification on my Rewards page when I redeemed points couple days ago. That's all fine. But it is Jan 30 at 9 pm and the points already gone. There's nothing in the notice that says end of the business day nor 11:59 pm. It only says Jan 30. So where are my points???
a month ago
Just like New Years eve happened at 9PM in our time zone when the ball in New York came down.
a month ago
Considering that Telus is located in Calgary, you really got burned.