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UPS lost my phone

It’s been over a week and currently my tracking information now states that the date will be provided later. I’ve talked to UPS numerous times they just keep telling me it’ll be delivered the next day by the end of the day we’re just getting nowhere. It’s already been four days of me taking days off work just to wait for nobody to show up so every time I call them they say I gotta tell freaking tell us to file a claim but now tell us is telling me they have to wait 10 days after that to file the claim so basically I’m stuck with the contract for the phone the payment for the phone, I’ve already paid the taxes for the phone and I don’t have it. It’s basically sitting in limbo and every time I track on the UPS website it says that it’s waiting for the date and it will tell me eventually , but when I got the request sent from UPS it says it’s been processing at the facility since the 25th but anytime I call and they say that they can’t get a hold of this facility. They don’t have that option too so I’m wondering how long am I gonna have to wait to have another phone sent to me or am I just basically screwed here because at this point tell us doesn’t put your first they put you last. We didn’t 10 days more than I’m supposed to is ridiculous. that doesn’t make any sense why do I have to wait 10 more days even though it was supposed to be delivered last Thursday and then Friday same thing and then Monday same thing why am I waiting another 10 days and they say they’re gonna call me back in 24 hours they promised to call me back all week and they never do tell us doesn’t put you first they put you last. You’re the last thing they think about. and then I’m already paying for this device. I was sent a bill for this device already so do I pay that and I stuck with this payment that I have to pay on the 21st of the month because I’m not paying it there’s no way I’m paying that bill ding my credit at this point I don’t care. I don’t understand how tall is allowed to get away with this. Is this possible that the phone never reached me? Why am I paying for it? Why is there already a bill out anybody else had the same issue but I need some answers I need help. I need advice because I’m ready to just lose it was supposed to be for the second and the looks of it I’m gonna be missing my sister wedding because I’m not gonna leave the city and go to some random freaking town with no phone and tell us guaranteed shipment date. I would’ve had it today but of course empty freaking promises the freaking phone number never answer your questions. They just tell you they can’t tell you or they’re not sure they have a process so they process it basically about someone wanting to file claim. Tell them to wait 10 more days and then they’ll start the process, but it could take 30 to 60 days and I’ll still have to pay for this contract because they won’t cancel it until the investigation is done so I’m without a phone now for two months but paying for it this is bogus you guys are rip off you guys are rip off.

Yeah yeah, maybe they should send me one to considering I’ve been waiting out over a week for a package that said on Thursday it be delivered Friday it said would be delivered now Monday. It said it be delivered and it was never delivered. It keeps saying processing at the facility and Edmonton and nobody can give me answers. Tell us is saying I have to wait 10 days for them to even open a freaking claim so what I’m just sit here and be phone and then also also I already got billed for this phone, I have to pay $140 right now for this stupid phone and they don’t even know where it is and the people I keep talking to you just give me answers that don’t even make freaking sense. They’re just telling me basically what I wanna hear or saying oh it’ll be there tomorrow. It’ll be there tomorrow. It’s not gonna be here OK at this point I think he just didn’t send it and they’re freaking trying to stick me in a **bleep** contract not gonna happen. I will fight this and I will freaking either UPS is going or tell us is going down one way another I’m not losing way or another. I’m not

Well, I did all the work. I got a hold of everybody that I needed to. I found out what happened to the device. I even got a claim number. I got Calgary friggin UPS facility calling me giving me the claim number, but guess what that’s not good enough for Telus. Tell us still needs to investigate themselves and hold me hostage basically for the next 10 days Even though they are aware that I was supposed to be leaving for a wedding in the next three days, but can’t go now because I can’t leave the city without a freaking phone so now I gotta wait 10 days for them to do the same investigation that UPS already did and gave them the answers for Wait for Telus to find out the exact same friggin thing that I found out was that took me three hours. It’s gonna take them 10 friggin days. What is wrong with them not impressed and you know what you don’t put your customers first you need to change your slogan because that is nothing close to what you guys do for us. You are robbing us and you are lying to us and you are using us. We are just another number to you , you don’t even know our friggin names half the time right but how much you wanna make a bet of us remember the first we spoke to that told us they can’t do nothing for us. Unbelievable. I guess I’ll see you guys in 10 days.

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Hey, I'll send you a private message to discuss further.

So get this I worked at this all day. I have been busting my butt all morning trying to get answers for where that freaking packages so I finally get some answers. I emailed CEOs of Telus. I emailed CEOs of UPS. I emailed everybody I even went to the billing department of UPS so I got a claim number. I got Calgary UPS facility to call me. They call me and give me the claim number because they confirmed that the package actually is missing. They think it was stolen from their facility so I got an email proving this and I got the claim number. I called Telus. I talk to the escalation department escalation department is telling me now that tell us has to do their own investigation. I still have to wait for 10 days. They won’t send a replacement device. They won’t even listen to me even though the investigation is over on UPS side they already know what happened , tell us isn’t taking that they’re not listening. They have to do their own looking into it. Are they just mad that I did their freaking job and I found out what happened I can give the claim number all you people on here complaining that they didn’t send your phone or you didn’t get your package go to the higher-ups. I know escalations department always says that they’re the higher-ups know there’s higher than them you can email you can find the CEOs information online. Get a hold of them or get a hold of customer relations that one actually I think was the one that did it for me , they’re just trying to mess with me. I think they’re trying to keep me in a bill. I don’t know what motive is but what they’re doing is wrong. They don’t treat you like you. They don’t put you first look at this. I have all the information I have all the proof that the phone isn’t coming and they still want me to wait 10 days because they think the phones gonna show up and magically appear . I don’t even know what to think anymore. I actually can’t. I tried and escalation department is now telling me I can’t because the phone is not located so until the phone is located I can’t cancel which means I’m stuck on a contract that I don’t have a phone for and that I’ve already been billed for because they bill in advance so my conclusion is that they just wanna F me over , I need a replacement device if I’m gonna pay for it I want it unless somebody on here can give me some answers as to what you do now now that I actually have the claim and the confirmation from UPS that it’s not coming anytime soon what do I do pay for that? I don’t have come on putting me first change your friggin slogan. Good luck all you guys out there. Send me a private message. If you need some help I’ll send you all the information that I collected and you can do what I did. Lol How to do it clearly they need more training. They’re not very good at investigating.

I’m frustrated enough with Telus EPP experience I may cancel and go back to Rogers! I ordered an iPhone and the box from Telus via UPS had only the packing paper. There was no phone, nor iPhone box. Just packing paper. The UPS driver took it back and said he’d handle it as damaged, so we don’t receive it.

Not sure if that’s normal but sound like insurance scamming going on and general theft under $5000. Should we report this to the police so they know what’s on the rise wand what’s not?

Super frustrated with Telus. Again, I’m leaving on holidays in a 4 more business days and there’s no phone in hand, plus no hope of any after hours support anywhere to be found.

Ok so I had to jump hurtles to get anywhere with them but it got fixed eventually call the Telus facility in Calgary where it was shipped from or call the head guy of Telus or customer relations I would rigt call everyone above Telus and I would call ups head office customer relations seriously go above Telus call center demand it to fixed and bug the s$)& out of them

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Community Manager

That definitely sounds like something you should investigate with UPS directly. You can also check with our EPP team directly at 1-866-848-3587 so they can confirm it was shipped as per usual as well.

I talked to both and all the escalation team did was make a bunch of empty promises and tell you that oh they’ll fix it will call you back in 24 hours and then they don’t call you back and To honestly tell us is probably waiting for an invoice because they want to be billed from UPS right so if UPS doesn’t send over that that invoice tell us won’t do the investigation right so you actually have to start the claim and get that going if you don’t, you’ll be waiting forever for Telus to start the claim trust me on that when I waited two weeks for them to even tell me if they didn’t wanna start a claim just yet that they had to wait for some invoice so I called UPS and asked them to send me over the billing once I was connected to the billing department of UPS, I then asked them to send over the invoice to tell us so that way I could start a claim because otherwise you won’t be able to start a claim until God knows when it’s not like tell us really works too hard to get that invoice. Trust me on that one also, I would go honestly I would go above the sales reps and escalation department, they are great don’t get me wrong. They will give you a bunch of discounts and tell you that they’ll make sure this doesn’t happen again and blah blah blah but chances are your next phone that they give you as a replacement. It won’t be on the same contract. It’ll be twice as much as it was supposed to be, and none of the promises that they originally make will actually be valid or that’s just speaking and I’m still with Telus and I’m still dealing with billing problems In my contract, the one I originally signed on I haven’t seen those promises those discounts or any of that since the first day that I signed the agreement and escalation department promised me the world and here we are still giving two stars

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Community Manager

Sorry I'm having a really hard time understanding this post. Have you spoken with our EPP team about it? My reply a few minutes ago was to @JeffS but if you're having issues with an order you can reach out to the EPP team that same toll free number as well.

Maybe a better spot for this post is on Reddit and not on a Telus help forum. The escalation team said I should go to a store for quicker access to a phone.

Yeah, that’s what I did actually is. I ended up going into the store and picked up the phone instead of going through the delivery service. The weird part is I actually got one of the phones that I had ordered and then it was mine that didn’t show up, but yeah, I went to the store and picked mine up but the issue with that is in store they don’t always have the same promotions right so you might not get the same deal you were gonna get but if you’re OK with that honestly 100% go to the store and yeah you’re probably right.