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Horrible service

I am tired of Telus and their billing service. They keep adding extra stuff to. Won’t even give me a notice from getting shut off. I am not resigning a contract with them!

Community Manager
Community Manager

Any billing increases or charges should be laid out pretty clearly on any/every bill (with any possible increases explained in advance). Have you spoken with our team about your bills?


telus is horrible they disconnect for no reason my mother is 75 years old with early stage dementia and nneds her phone for emergency and they shut off with no notice and they wonder why no one want to have service with them

Hi @Maryb1949 - we can understand the frustration with that. We will send you a message to assist

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I totally agree. They shut everyone off with no notice. Then they expect us to pay for reconnection.
BUNCH OF CROOKS. Very going back with them.
Sent from my iPhone

Clients are notified of suspension through various methods. TELUS sends two notices before a suspension. The first notice is sent at least 14 days before suspension and can be an SMS or a bill message on your invoice. The second notice is sent via SMS at least 24 hours before suspension. The suspension notices include information such as the reason for suspension, outstanding balance, scheduled suspension date, reconnection fee, availability of payment arrangements, and TELUS website and toll-free number. 


As outlined in our service terms, a reconnection fee is applied if your service is disrupted because of non-payment.

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We did not get that any of it this is rediculous and to that to a senior citizen with early stage dementia is the worse there should be some sort of budget for seniors like this you guys are horrible

That's bs you know that I just called in amd got told " incorrect" lol

Friendly Neighbour

i have 20 more days to cancel after signing up... should i cancel?

They don't seem to care about policy so if it says 20 more s
Days your probably sol cause legally it's 14 days so they could deny it regardless

sigh..... i am saving tonnes of money, but my biggest pet peeve are companies that take advantage of their clients. Rogers was getting bad as well, as they didnt give 2 poops I was leaving. 

ok not tonnes of money haha, but about $200 a month


Notice they quit replying after she said she didn't receive anything lol

at least you can talk to Rogers Reps via chat, and they are from Canada.  I think Bell and Telus use the same agency from the Philippines 

Not when they disregard laws and policy's and then when i push the laws and policy's they say it's not correct like the experience I just had