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Walnut grove Fibre install


Was excited when Telus finally installed Fibre to the township of Langley, but less excited after actually signing up for it. To start the My Home app, and web page won’t allow me to log into my account or manage my services, or sign up for Disney+. I originally assumed this was because my account was new but after calling support several times, they could not even connect even after taking my password and trying to log on at there end (still on going).


Then when the tech arrived to install the internet I asked for the network access hub to be placed in the utility room where all the Ethernet cables are located. Immediately he said no, he said he is punching one hole into the wall where the outside box is and installing it there. I pointed out there is no power outlet on that wall, and if he just ran the wire fifteen feet to the utility room where there is a power outlet it would make sense. He said no he wasn’t allowed to do anything more than what he described, and I could use an extension cord for power. He then said he was going to use Shaws coaxial cable to hook up,the WiFi 6e router. I pointed out that I had cat 8 Ethernet cables already in the utility room literally five feet from where we were standing in my garage. He said ideally he recommends Ethernet over coaxial for the fibre, but he wasn’t going to do more unless I pay for the install. I pointed out this sounds ridiculous when you are installing an entirely new product, I suggested we cancel the install so I could talk with Telus support, but then his tone changed and he said ok show me the utility room. He said it would work but he’s not running the wire to it as he’s only allowed to use a small amount I’d optic wire for each install or he would bill me for it. In frustration I told him to bill me then and let me run the wire to the room while he hooks up the service outside, and that way it won’t effect his time (at this point I was trying help make this work and get him out). He agree and handed me a spool of wire, which I timed and ran the wire in just under 5min, done before he connected the fibre to the outside box. Then he attached the network access hub in the utility room where there was a power outlet. He then said I should bill you for the wire but I probably won’t, I told to do what ever he has to do. I asked about changing the ssid via the connect app, and he said don’t use the connect app as it causes problems with the whole system, said the password was on the router and to log in that way, and then he left.


So after the install frustration, I did some speed test to see if 3gb was working using iPhone 16, and the latest generation of iPad, the most download speed I was getting 1.3gb standing beside the router. Every other device was between 500-980, which would make would account for there network capabilities, but nothing over 1.3gb. In comparison I was getting these speed with Shaws 1.5gb plan so nothing really changed. I understand that most hardware is only 10/100/1000 capable however I have newer hardware capable of the faster speeds including a gaming pc hardwares, and I chose the 3g plan to future proof. I then read on this forum that the network access hubs LANs only output I 1gb, except for the 10g one that runs the 6e WiFi router. So I started to question if it is worth paying for 3g, if the service cannot output 3g.


I called support again to first see if any progress was made on my MyTelus account (none), and to inquire about paying for 3g, or would I be better to save some money and go down to 1.5g. They sent me to loyalty who then switched me from 3g to 1.5g, but told it my monthly bill would be more expensive (This all took over an hour and half of me on hold with the argent) She came back and said she lowered me down to 1.5g, and gave me a better optic tv package so my bill will basically stay the same. So now I have less internet service same bill, and completely confused on what happened. Because I was approaching 2hrs on the phone I had to let this go to try and deal with at a later time. I filled out a form on Telus website to speak to a manager but at the time of writing this no one has called back. Fortunately I have not cancelled Shaw so i may have to abort the whole Telus experience which is unfortunate because the geek in me was really looking forward to trying fibre optic. Not sure if anyone from Telus would read this to see if a solution can be done to fix the MyTelus issue and the overall speed, and billing issues, Is this because the Fibre service was just installed or installation wrong, was I out of line to ask where the access hub should go. I have had Telus in the past and Shaw installed and have never been told no to the best place for the equipment especially if it was practical. 


Official Support Team
Official Support Team

We’re sorry to hear about the challenges you've faced with your fibre installation and service. Please send us a private message with your account details, and we’ll have our team look into this with you. 

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Hi my account # (removed account info, please send it in a private messager)
Thank you

Official Support Team
Official Support Team

Can we delete your account info and send it in private as you are sharing it on a public forum. 

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(REMOVED contact info)

Thank you

