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Telus didn't cancel my acount, charged me, and refuse to refund me


I'm so tired of wasting my time on the phone, and. no one will reply to email, 


I requested to cancel my Internet and Business Cable, you canceled my Cable, but not the the Internet due to a "glitch with the phone number on the account being canceled", and charged me $168. Now ya'll are refuse to refund me before the bill is due, and telling me to not pay it and wait for the system to automatically fix it.


So now I'm forced to pay $168 to not hurt my credit for not paying a bill, because you won't refund me a charge that was never supposed to happen. I sent the equipment back the day after it was suppose to be canceled. 

I asked like 3 of the reps to email me confirmation that I will indeed get a refund with the specific amount, 2 did not, 1 did and sent this reply: 


Hello ,
Thank you for contacting TELUS regarding your business services. Please see response below:
As per our conversation we review your internet account information and we can see that it was cancelled successfully since May 16, since the bill was generated before that date it shows the full balance but on the next billing cycle you will get the adjustment from May 16 to June 4, that should be reflected on the June 13 bill 
If you have any questions or require further information, please reply back to this message and quote your tracking number , as reference for this request and someone will be happy to assist you. 
Thank you from TELUS, we appreciate your business.

I'm so frustrated and have already wasted hours trying to get a refund before a bill is due that I do not owe. 

Community Power User
Community Power User



it was cancelled successfully since May 16, since the bill was generated before that date it shows the full balance but on the next billing cycle you will get the adjustment from May 16 to June 4, 

That doesn't help me since the internet was supposed to be canceled when the cable was canceled:

We have processed Case Number: 20759924 - Customer request to cancel: OptikTV.

The aforementioned products were cancelled effective: March 30th 2024

I need to be refunded from march 30th until when ever ya'll charged me on the last bill. 


Hi @telususer1234 - from what you are describing I would say that what you were told is correct. Because you cancelled after your bill printed you will receive a refund from the date of your billing cycle until the date of cancellation and it will be done automatically by the system.


You do not need to pay the $168 if you don't want to, the only thing that will happen is that next month you'll have a late fee. We usually only report to the credit bureau when an account is delinquent and it has been sent to collections.


I would say to pay the $168 to avoid the late fee and receive the refund next month if you want to do things by the book. I understand that the $168 was charged due to our error but even if we credited the amount you would receive a refund next month and then we would be forced to debit the amount and then the month after that things will be back to $0.

How would the refund typically be processed? To the credit card that was debited. No one will even tell me how much of a credit it will be, which is the frustrating part. I asked for the email, telling me it would be the full $168 like the rep told me on the phone and they emailed me the email above which doesn't specifically say I'm going to get the refund of $168 like she said. 

I canceled my services for March 30th 2024 by phone on February 29th. My bills are usually $140 for cable and internet and they charged me $168. I'm hesitant to pay the bill since the TOS say to contact people before paying the bill, otherwise I'm basically agreeing to the charges. I can't not pay my bill, it's so frustrating. 

Yes - the refund will be placed on your credit card if you have it as a pre-authorized payment.


To say exactly how much your refund will be is hard to say without looking at the account. There's partial charges, potential additional charges, cancellation fees if they are applicable, etc. Unfortunately waiting for your next bill will be the best way to tell