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Telus Pure Fibre Install - SFP WAN PPoE Login

Friendly Neighbour

Hi everyone, 


I am in Ontario where Telus has started providing PureFibre through Bell's network. 


In my current set-up I do not use Bell's Home Hub, but rather have my own intricate network set-up through TP Link OMADA Controller with several Access Points. It has worked perfectly with Bell for 5 years with 100% uptime.

My current set-up uses an ER7206 TPLink Router through an SFP Wan port where the fiber cable is directly inserted into the modem, and then I have a PPPoE username and password which I get from Bell's website (it is the Bell "b1xxxx" internet login and a password which you set yourself through the bell's website.



Since Telus uses the same infrastructure as Bell, they should be able to do everything that Bell does.
My question is where would I get the PPPoE username and password from Telus so I can plug into my modem.

Has anyone done this so far. Please let me know.


Friendly Neighbour

@TELUS_Support  are you able to answer this question?

Friendly Neighbour

I also see that @DrPacman seems to be an expert at running his own equipment. @DrPacman are you able to perhaps help me out?



If I am to pull the SFP from the Telus modem and install it into my SFP capable Modem form TP Link Omada that would be it? What type of connection would i be setting up if i am not using PPoE protocol "Dynamic IP"?



Furthermore i have noted that there are some people that have customized their MAC Address to be the same as the one provided from their Telus Modem, do I need to do this for my Router to pass authentication?


Please let me know as soon as possible. Thank you!


I ran into the same problem, scratching my head for a couple a days.


In my case Bell didn't leave a SFP module, they left a Nokia ONT. Then TELUS installed their NAH (Network Access Hub).


The thing is, I wanted to use my own router, so I put the NAH into bridge mode for LAN1 only.


To answer your question, you can find the PPPoE credentials in the NAH interface. Go to with the login "admin" and the password is written on the NAH under the cover.


Then under Network > WAN you should see the PPPoE connection settings and everything should be there. For the password, just change the input type from "password" to "text" using F12 for the Dev Tools

Friendly Neighbour

Thank you @marting this is very helpful. I am definitively going to try it and post my results. I would really would like to avoid using the TELUS NAH if possible and just use my Modem directly, but if not possible, I guess I will have to do the Bridge mode method.

Friendly Neighbour

Hey @marting ,so my Telus service is still not setup (Scheduled for March 8, 2025) but I received the Modem and Router in the mail by Purolator toay. So I took the liberty of unpacking the unit and I accessed the NAH unit, by going to and using the user and password on the cover of the NAH unit. 

When I went to the WAN settings it appears that the default is set to Automatic IP and not PPoE. I am not sure if the Technician actually configures this and changes it from Automatic IP to a PPoE configuration or is the Telus Server automatically configured to authenticate the NAH unit based on the MAC address of the NAH unit.

These are the settings which are default preconfigured




Yes, the technician should connect to the PPPoE. I believe Telus needs to do this to access the Bell infrastructure. You can also call the support to get this info, but I'm not sure they'll give it to you right now since it's not installed and activated yet. They might transfer you around a couple of times since it relatively new and many agent don't seem to understand what that is. They even hung up on me when they ran out of ideas.


You should have (or will) received an email for the confirmation of your service and there is a phone number with an actual tech support where you can ask your questions about PPPoE and they should know what you're talking about

Friendly Neighbour

Thanks @marting , support wasn't much help at all as you said, they kept telling me to put the NAH into bridge mode, and I really prefer not to have to do that as I know I will get lag.


When you setup yours were you able to discover your PPPoE details?