a month ago
The solution listed on your website doesn’t work. There is no way to disable easy roam on the My Telus app.
i am getting charged 16$ because 1 iMessage automatically sent as a sms. Its got to be the worst feature that exists… im in a country that sells sim cards for 12$ for a month and 50gb of 5g data.
please help me turn this scam of a feature off. Again, I am abroad, so I need a solution to do so while I am abroad.
a month ago
You could just lock the SIM. That would prevent any connection to the network using the SIM. Just don't forget the PIN that you create for it. On Android you would have to go into Settings and then search for SIM Lock. On iPhone that option is under Settings > Cellular > SIM PIN.
a month ago
If you are in Canada, just send a text to 7626 with the word "REMOVE". It can't be any simpler.
Yes, you are correct. If iMessage (which uses WiFi) is used and cannot be sent (such as to a non iPhone user), it automatically reverts to a regular text. A regular text triggers EasyRoam. The rule of thumb for no EasyRoam charges is no text sending and no incoming or outgoing calls, simple again. Incoming text is free. If you need to send a "text", use Messenger or a better solution is WhatsApp. If you send a regular text and have EasyRoam, you are just tempting fate.
a month ago
I did not think you can adjust your Telus account on a phone. I thought you had to log into your account and edit you subscriptions.
a month ago
Okay, I see that you are abroad.
There is really no need to remove EasyRoam if you follow my rule of thumb in my previous post. However, perhaps you want to send the occasion text at pay-per-use charges. here is how you do it.
Enter an Easy Roam covered destination in the Where are you headed Section (eg. USA, England, Mexico)
In the results, you will see a Remove Easy Roam option on the right-hand side of the screen.
Select this option and follow the steps to confirm the removal of Easy Roam.