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Cellular Apple Watch Call Forwarding Charges


I see a similar forum post (old) so starting my own for support..


I have an iPhone with an unlimited nationwide plan, and a cellular Apple Watch with a OneNumber Unlimited Access plan.


When I first got this, my understanding was that I could use my watch to place and receive phone calls. But whenever I answer a phone call on my apple watch I am charged $0.50/minute?


The "OneNumber Unlimited Access" plan for my watch, on my bill, says Unlimited Nationwide Calls.


Both my Jan / Feb 2025 bills have these local call forwarding charges for answering on watch.I had signed my Apple watch up with the EPP OneNumber Unlimited Access plan, so I don't understand why I am being billed at all for it.


How do I have this corrected, and stop the forwarding charges from future bills?  (sent a PM, but no response yet)