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continuous daemon.err log entries


I noticed this error in my log entries of my wifi booster.

Jul 18 21:53:19 daemon.err Easymesh-Roaming map_wee_dispatch_ctrlr_events Invalid input arguments

It repeats every 1 second interval and has filled up the log, so I can't tell how long its been going on.

Or if this is a normal  error ???


Community Manager
Community Manager

That's definitely something you could check with our Tech Support team about!


Is there anyway to get this escalated or to someone who can help ??

I've spoken to TS three times and they say its been bumped up to another department and someone will call me back within 24 to 48 hours,, but I never get an answer or explanation.

I've called 3 times.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Is this causing the Wi-Fi Boost to not function correctly?


Not that I can directly tell,, but anytime you have something happening that causes an error ever 1 second interval, its overfills the log file and very quickly overwrites anything else that might come in.

I'm really just trying to find out right now if this is an error is significant or not. If not, I'll ignore and let the log file overflow, but if there is a need in the future to capture anything else of importance, then it will be impossible as the error will be gone in 43 seconds it takes to fill and overwrite.

I DID track down the device that is causing it, tried escalating to the TS L2, and managed to get to a more technical resource but even after I identified which physical device on my network was causing it, he attempted to perform a factory reset on my router and booster. I adamantly declined that solution as it wasn't appropriate.

He attempted to transfer me to another department (home security support-as the Vivint smart panel is causing the log entry errors) but I got cut off.

I did some of my own troubleshooting:

When my alarm panel is connected to my mesh WIFI network,,, it causes the error.

If I switch it to my 2.4G only wifi,, the log error stops.

I'll maybe just leave it on my 2.4G wifi network, because I HIGHLY DOUBT I'll find anyone in the technical support group who will be able to assist with troubleshooting the Vivint and wifi Mesh configuration.

After all,, it was all on my own that I was able to provide these answers so far.

Their solutions are either reboot or reset to defaults.