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Wifi boosters not working, tried everything

Just Moved In

I have two boosters and have tried for MONTHS and MONTHS to re-attach them and no success.  I have the disc shape boosters.  It only came with one ethernet cable.  The problem is my app doesnt respond after i connect the 1st booster, and locate the booster in my wifi network and add password.  I can never move forward, the app is stuck.  I tried rebooting my router, boosters, restarted my cell phone, uninstalled Telus app and reinstalled, nothing works.  I have been trying to connect it for almost 3 hours.  I am reading suggestions online, try again and nothing works.  I cannot find any Telus instructions on how to connect my boosters with only one cable and what do i do if the app isn't working.  Do not tell me to call Telus.  I tried that.  The tech repeatedly told me it was my responsibilty to know how to connect my boosters and refused to help me.  Then he tried to charge me $150 just for contacting Telus, yet never helped me resolve the issue.  I am quite frustrated with Telus and feel ripped off that i am paying for this service and cannot even use it.  If someone has experience on how to re-connect them, i would appreciate it.


Just Moved In

I have noticed the same issue and would like to know what's up. Did they just discontinue the older boosters?