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Email confirmation from Interac

Friendly Neighbour

I am trying to set up auto deposit with my bank and Interac says they will send an email to confirm and for me to agree and give the go ahead but they say it is my Telus webmail configuration which is not allowing that email to get through. Any help?



Is the email being rejected when it's sent by the bank or is it sent but you are not getting it because it's being caught by the spam filter? Some additional detail about the actual error or symptom would help diagnose the problem.

Friendly Neighbour

The indicator from the bank says it has been sent and if I do not get it within a short time I should check the spam folder (nothing in there) Nothing is showing up even in my iCloud email which is set up to accept the Telus webmail emails in case webmail goes down. 

Why don't you use your iCloud email as you're contact with the bank?

Friendly Neighbour
Because all the business cards, website and years of distributing this email has a long and numerous following and to start changing it now is doable but would be a big PIA and would lose lots of customers.

I guess that means you are never changing Internet providers then.

Friendly Neighbour

We live in rural Alberta and there is not much choice out here for internet providers. You take what you can get.

Thanks for all your help

If you have business associated with your email now would be the best time to start migrating to a non-ISP email address. You still have access to the Telus account for transition period and you have a control over how long it will take. You don't want to be forced to do in the future under circumstances not under your control.


Back to your immediate problem, are you trying to set up the Interac auto-deposit for your Telus email addres? Areyou getting the regular Interac e-trransfer emails to the Telus account?

Friendly Neighbour
Yes all the other sent EMT's are coming in to the telus email just fine so I am at a loss to understand where the problem is. I am beginning to think it is Interac and not this email provider but everyone say its not their issue but the other guys.

And yes you are correct better to start migrating to a different email now instead of later.


I agree with your assessment, looks like the problem is on the Interac side. Make sure they know your regular Interac emails are received just fine so they stop blaming your email setup.