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Call Control accepted list will not display web page or app


In My Telus in the android app or in a web browser (Chrome, Edge, multiple devices), the Call Control accepted list (for a landline account) no longer displays (it did previously).  The blocked list displays okay, as well as the call log.  I tried the usual fixes (I worked in IT and know many).  I did online chat, but the "agent" could not help.  After numerous tries, I finally tricked it into connecting me to a real person, who also asked me to try some of the fixes that I already had tried, and looked at some things but ultimately couldn't help and told me to call a number for "technical support" which resulted in a bot that just kept telling me to go to the online chat or offered to send me a text message (I was on a landline).  After asking for a real person about 40 times in multiple ways, it connected me to a queue that was >1 1/2 hours long and I think that Call Control blocked the callback.  Apparently you can't actually talk on the phone to anyone at Telus (a phone company?).  Has anyone else had trouble seeing the accepted list for Call Control (maybe it's a general problem) or is it just me?


Hey Telus, the control preferences and list are still not working. Last week I did the private message, talked to a tech agent again, got a ticket and was supposed to get a call back from an escalation manager this week but haven’t.  Why can’t you fix this or a least give an update.



I see yet another 'please send us a private message' request coming.

Hey @Sparky480v we can check on the status of this. Can you DM us again?

If our reply resolved your issue, please click on Accept as Solution to help others in the community.

Just sent DM.

Friendly Neighbour

Still having the issue. Told it was a known issue. No movement yet. It has been months!

I'm having the same issue too. 


I called Telus on Oct 1st about this and after spending a few hours, first with customer service then over to tech support and did the screen shot thing with them.  Then on Oct 2nd the tech called me back as he said they tried resetting some things at their end and was wondering if it was still an issue. It was.  I then gave the tech my password so he could login at his end as me and he was perplexed to see the blank accepted list, preferences, etc issues.  He said he would escalate my case and call back on Oct 8 with an update.  I never got a call back.  Yesterday I did the direct message option, verified, and got a message I would get a call back asap.  Still waiting.  TELUS the problem started a month ago when you updated your website.  Undo what ever you changed. 


Also the blocked list doesn’t fully work anymore because you can’t manually add a number anymore which is the only way to block a “Globally accepted caller”.  You don’t get an option to block a “Globally accepted caller” in the call log.

Friendly Neighbour

Same problem for me too. Both Mobility and Home phone no option to manage the call control settings. So far i have been on the phone for over 2 hours with technical support who could provide not provide any support. Honestly, they did not know what they were doing at all to the point that they were contradicting themselves. Then I asked to have my call escalated. Escalations has made no progress at either. I did all the typical troubleshooting steps. Log out of the account. Check call control via the app and via a desktop. Sent screenshots of what I saw. Agent deleted the call control. I added it back; still same result, except that I have no call control list since the agent removed the feature. No one at technical support or escalations seems to be aware that has been an issue for a month now. Agent said they are going to send an email and report it with technical support, who clearly know this is an issue. I let the escalations agent know that I had visited this forum, and the issue has been ongoing for a month and is not a single user issue. 

Official Support Team
Official Support Team

Hi, as mentioned above, our specific team investigating these issues has asked us to gather account info for their official investigation. If you'd like, please send us a private message so we can verify your accounts and collect your info for them, thanks.

If our reply resolved your issue, please click on Accept as Solution to help others in the community.

Any progress on this issue that was originally reported a month ago? 

Friendly Neighbour

@TELUS_Support I have sent you a private message as instructed.


Accepted List appears to be working again. I was able to display the list and edit one of the entries. The Prefences option however is still not displaying anything. Making progress.

Friendly Neighbour

On my home phone account I see the call control list, however I am unable to add a number. When I click on +Add a number the section goes blank. As for my mobility service no improvement.


On pc with Edge it’s still not working, accepted list is blank, preferences blank, and still can’t add a number manually to the accepted or blocked list.


On iOS it’s still not working except the accepted list is now visible, but I still can’t add a number manually to the accepted or blocked list and preferences still blank.

Similar experience to Sparky480v and Tango435

In Chrome on Windows - accepted list and blocked list are usually visible, preferences is blank (not sure what is supposed to be there - something about voice mail?)  Can add to accepted/blocked from call log by clicking button, but can't manually add to either list - accepted list goes blank if you click the +Add.

MyTelus app on android acts about the same as Chrome.

In Edge on Windows - accepted/blocked/preferences always blank - no change from the last month.



Same problem. Call control not allowing me to add numbers to the accepted list. Not loading anything. Telus, get it together for once. Just try caring just for one second about your customers. You might find that it benefits you.

Hello, this is a known issue and is currently being investigated. We will provide more information as soon as we have an update.

If our reply resolved your issue, please click on Accept as Solution to help others in the community.

Why is this taking so long to fix?  Rogers has call control so people may want to consider switching their home service if that is an option for you.

We'll check in with our product team and if/when we hear back, we'll update you here. Stay tuned!

If our reply resolved your issue, please click on Accept as Solution to help others in the community.

Known issue for 3 months now!! What is happening? Anyone over there know anything?

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