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Adding Number to Call Control

Friendly Neighbour

I have room for more numbers, but unable to add a new number to our accepted list on call control.  I manage our call control from a PC using Bing.  


When I click on "Add a Number", the screen changes but nothing comes up for input.


Any thoughts?  


Friendly Neighbour
Correction - using Edge, not Bing 😉


Same here.  call control add number doesn't work on my mac nor on my iphone.  Checking with tech support.  I want to block telus marketing 888-338-1487.  I cut my telus home internet/tv last week and now I am innundated with daily spam calls from telus. the number is listed by telus as a globally accepted caller which I interpret as so sad too bad you can't block telus.

Official Support Team
Official Support Team

Hello, we'll send you a private message to discuss further!

If our reply resolved your issue, please click on Accept as Solution to help others in the community.


thanks for your message. No, I haven't contacted tech support - haven't felt like running the gauntlet of Telus' call-in support 😉



No kidding! Me neither.

I have the same problem. I'm using Safari on a Mac and the screen reads the following, but there's no interface for adding numbers.

"No callers added yet.

Add a number to your Accepted list to ensure they reach you without being screened."


There is a maximum of 25 numbers. Make sure that you have not gone over the allotted amount. Also, I don't think that you can block Telus numbers.