11-30-2023 02:01 PM - last edited January
Dear Neighbours,
We’re experimenting with different formats to assure you we’re listening and working on improvements to the TELUS TV platforms. We have frequent releases designed to tackle the platform's immediate and long-term stability, and we’ll do our best to keep this thread up to date with each new release to celebrate our wins together.
Please note this is not an exhaustive list; minor customer-facing fixes and non-customer-facing backend work are not included.
Q4 2024: (note: had to remove previous updates due to character limits on post)
Q3 2024:
Your Friendly Neighbourhood TV Product Development Team.
12-29-2023 03:56 AM
12-29-2023 11:46 AM
Wow, thank you for relaying these issues with the Telus TV Digital box, as I’m now doubly glad I didn’t “upgrade” to it and stuck with our older Optik TV 4K box instead, since it still has all of the TV features you mentioned.
12-29-2023 12:50 PM
01-11-2024 02:19 AM
01-11-2024 10:17 AM - edited 01-11-2024 10:28 AM
There is an update coming in Feb. The homepage setting is tentatively a part of the Feb release, I'll update the list once the features are launched.
Edit: I may have spoken too soon on this. The upcoming release will make it easier to default back to live playback with one click of the back button as opposed to the current method where users need to hold the back button down. It's a slight improvement while we work on customization of home page.
02-19-2024 02:05 AM
Please change this to a month end report of what was accomplished of what is tops on the priority to be done.
I know you are the messenger. Did anything get done in January, and almost end of February now.
02-20-2024 11:09 AM
We have a more significant update at the end of this month, and then I'll update the list!
01-27-2024 01:07 PM
Any update on when we can modify start and end times for recordings?
01-27-2024 06:31 PM
@MrSL Feb 2026 definitely maybe
02-02-2024 12:20 PM
Anybody out there?
02-20-2024 11:10 AM
The architecture work required for this will take us to the end of the calendar year if no further delay!
02-28-2024 02:14 PM
02-19-2024 11:05 AM
Hey Optik-Kate,
You might know, why is the Telus TV app not available on my Roku Streaming Stick, and it's not available in the Roku Store ? (I only have Pik-TV)
I keep searching, but it's not there..
Just wondering.
02-20-2024 11:13 AM
Hi @ExTelis , the TELUS TV+ App is not on Roku because we do not currently support it. We're working on expanding the supported platforms. For example, Amazon Fire TV will be next, but the timeline for Roku is yet to be determined.
02-28-2024 01:32 PM - edited 02-28-2024 01:35 PM
The list has been updated with features from the past couple of updates (Jan & Feb). Thank you for everyone's patience. Please ensure you're on the latest box/BYOD version -
02-28-2024 01:37 PM
02-28-2024 02:12 PM
02-28-2024 02:28 PM
02-28-2024 03:33 PM
02-28-2024 08:35 PM
Updates should be pushed to your devices automatically over the next week, but you can always check for system updates in Settings > Device settings > Device Preferences > About > System update.
The latest App version is (found in Settings > System information).