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How to stop Telus phone and door to door Harrasment?


Telus bought ADT and our problems started. 

Keep getting calls to tell me that Telus bought ADT and what a great phone offers they have. 

Every time requested them to remove my number as I am not changing my cell provider. 

Every time they promise and say sorry and then someone else calls again. Seems Telus sold the contact list to callers to find more accounts. 

Now recently doorbells Harassment started, some guys keep ringing and want to upgrade the security system. 

I am telling them that even if there was a chance to move to Telus, not I will never due to this harassment.

I called customer service they say sorry and apologize and then some new guy calls again and ring the bell again.


Any suggestions stopping this Telus harassment?




TELUS Team Member
TELUS Team Member

Hey there, we're terribly sorry for the negative experience with us. I'll be sending you a private message shortly to follow up with you directly to make sure this doesn't happen again.