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TELUS TV Feature Updates - Ongoing

TELUS Team Member
TELUS Team Member

Dear Neighbours, 


We’re experimenting with different formats to assure you we’re listening and working on improvements to the TELUS TV platforms. We have frequent releases designed to tackle the platform's immediate and long-term stability, and we’ll do our best to keep this thread up to date with each new release to celebrate our wins together.


Please note this is not an exhaustive list; minor customer-facing fixes and non-customer-facing backend work are not included. 


Q4 2024: (note: had to remove previous updates due to character limits on post)

  • Zoetrope Previews: See exactly where you're skipping on Live TV, recordings, and On-Demand. Enjoy fullscreen previews when fast-forwarding or rewinding, so you never lose your place. (Thumbnail preview coming soon)
  • Fast Forward and Rewind Speeds: Control your scrolling speed with ease:
    • 1x: Scroll at 2x speed.
    • 2x: Scroll at 8x speed.
    • 3x: Scroll at 24x speed.
  • Picture Quality Improvements: Most non-sports channels now stream in 1080p (high-definition) for sharper images, with a backup at 720p. Sports channels now uses 720p at 60 frames per second (fps) to keep fast-moving content smooth and prevent display issues—further picture quality improvements to come.
  • Recovery After Internet Outage: Your digital box will now automatically resume live TV content as soon as the internet connection is restored.
  • Improved Guide on Apple TV: Navigate your TV Guide effortlessly with enhanced performance and no freezing issues.
  • Automatic Playback for Recordings: Binge-watch your recorded content with ease as the next recording in your playlist automatically starts playing—no need to press a button!
  • Enhanced Restart and Lookback Logic: Enjoy seamless transitions between Restart and Lookback programs for uninterrupted viewing.

Q3 2024:

  • Bulk Delete for Recordings: You can now delete multiple recorded episodes simultaneously, making managing your recordings easier.
  • Episode List Access: When playing a recorded episode, you can see a list of all other episodes from the same series directly in the player.
  • Binge-Watching Made Easy: Enjoy seamless binge-watching of recorded episodes, as they now play sequentially without any interruptions.
  • Order Cloud PVR Directly: You can now order Cloud PVR service directly from your set-top box for added convenience.
  • Start from the Beginning: Easily start recordings and VOD (Video on Demand) content from the beginning, even if you joined late!


Your Friendly Neighbourhood TV Product Development Team.

289 REPLIES 289

In another thread started by @Rocky3, Telus Support responded with a brief description of the version numbering.

It appears that 1.24.6_900 is the latest version (i.e. Q2).  The "24.6" represents YY.M  [not sure why they don't use YY.MM for sorting purposes] and, I'm guessing, the "_900" is likely the build number.


Edit: updated Rocky3 reference to a link


Is there an update on the following features, which I believe are being worked on?


1. Ability to delete multiple recording at a time. For instance on Shaw/Rogers you can delete all episodes in a series, or delete all and cancel future recordings.


2. Ability to disable and/or skip the Home menu and go directly to the guide. 

3. Ability to exit all menus at once rather than press the back button multiple times. 

Friendly Neighbour

There appears to be two reported completed items that are not correct at least with my setup as follows:


(1) The message in Q2 2024 the problem with recording is completed:

  • Eliminated the skipping of the first episode when scheduling recording series

This problem still exists with our Android TV setup.  It is very aggravating as it erodes user confidence in the entire recording reliability. We basically have to re-examine the scheduled recordings every day so we do not miss any of our  desired recordings.

(2) Likewise the Q1 2024 completion of "Favorites" problem is not the case in our system:

  • Guide filter selection such as “My Favorite channel” remains after turning the TV off and on

There was no problem with "My Favorites" changing when we first got the system.

However, it now changes to "Subscribed" for no reason while watching the TV. It does not have to be turned OFF and then turned ON to occur.


Hope there are some existing solutions or the need is recognized in future software development.


TELUS Team Member
TELUS Team Member

Myoptic1, we would like to troubleshoot the skipped episode issues you are still experiencing to determine whether the fix is not taking effect or another problem is being manifested. I have reached out to you with a direct message. 

Friendly Neighbour

We would appreciate the opportunity to cooperate with you to troubleshoot the recording problem.

Cameron Palmer


Q2 is launched? Then why is there no difference, and why did we lose the gains of the January release?

Friendly Neighbour

New customer here, may not have me for long. Netflix and other apps look as they should, 4K, UHD, the remote is a really nice, but your main player - Telus TV+ is simply awful. How are we getting picture quality like this in 2024? Everyone in our household thinks it looks pixelated. Text on screen during news or sports is all bitty, was crisp before. Picture is also washed out. I have top tier TVs and a home cinema set up. I feel like I've taken a huge leap backwards. 

Picture should be there number one issue I know they acknowledged hdr always being on but they should also be fixing the low bitrate feeds they use compared to the old optik system when I was on fibre. Some of these channels are bitrate starved but I don't think they have ever acknowledged it sadly.

Friendly Neighbour

Yeah it's nuts. I bought an episode of a cable show from Apple TV to see them side by side vs my recording on Telus TV+ and it was laughable. The Telus broadcast looked like dial up. I have zero confidence in a company that would roll this out. Again, Telus, the box itself is snappy, I like the backlit remote, and the other apps look great, but your TV is unacceptable. Consumers, make some noise, they are getting away with a beta product with nineties resolution. 

Go into the Telus TV apps and search for Speed Test and try that my guess is your internet speed is slow and there must be something wrong with your box. As an example I just run the test on my box and it was showing over 350 Mbs

Friendly Neighbour

I am on ethernet on pure fibre gigabit. It's not the connection. It's their compression. Awful. 

PQ wasn’t the best with the Arris STBs, but it’s completely unacceptable on the new platform. TELUS, and seemingly many of the users in the forum, aren’t the least bit concerned about picture quality.

Personally I have posted so many criticisms since I moved to TELUS 14 months ago but I rarely post these days, cause what is the point. Nothing changes. If you really want to prove 'your' displeasure then vote with your wallet. Don't renew that contract! Maybe TELUS will start listening then...

Exactly. I cancelled the TV portion of my TELUS services. I love my fibre internet, so there’s no way I’ll cancel that. I bought an antenna and watch local channels only. For streaming, I subscribe to the usual suspects. That’s all I need. Broadcast TV is slowly on the way out, and clearly TELUS know that—I feel this platform is the bridge between offering live TV service and one day not offering live TV service. 

Hi @broadcastguy yep, that is my plan too when my contract expires 😉

This is where I’m at as well.  So many phone calls that just fall on deaf ears.  They’ve got our money and apparently that’s enough for them. 

100% in agreement!


TV is not in TELUScope!


They've pivoted to Streaming and OnDemand playing catch-up to rivals like Amazon, Roku, Nvidia, etc.


The Telus Decision-Making Team calculating that the Loyal Customer Base is easy come easy what if we lose a few "cable guys" here and there. 


And, as a minimum, in the interim Telus should credit everyone the TV  (#Themepack) portion of their bill. The Premiums, Crave add-ons,  etc seem to functionality adequately. 

Shouldn't have to pay for the non-functional experiment portion.


@MrSL what do you mean? There was changes. I finally got my My Favorites as default in February and then they changed it backed to Subscribed. That is 2 changes. Been 3 weeks now and they have not been able to recreate what was once fixed. Sad.

Hi @Rocky3 😆 yep, just about sums up the progress!