11-20-2023 05:08 PM
Can anyone comment on the picture quality difference between watching on Telus' hardware versus using the Apple TV app?
I'm about to move from PikTV to Optik Core and am wondering if there's an advantage to using their hardware. I'd rather just continue to use my Apple TV and only have one box attached to my TV (and one remote).
11-20-2023 09:17 PM
I prefer Apple TV less of course their horrible remote. App wise they're very similar.
11-25-2023 08:34 PM
We bought the newer remote. The original was horrid.
11-24-2023 08:28 AM
11-29-2023 09:21 PM
Well.. user experience will be different.
Standard channels will be +/- the same. You won’t get any 4K channels using the ATV.