05-03-2022 12:19 PM
what happened to the Optik TV app on the Sony Android TV ? it just disappeared over the weekend. Now we only see the pik TV app. Is the optik TV app gone for good or will it be brought back ? I called Sony and they do not know what happened. We called Telus tech support and even they don't know what happened to the app. Anyone out there have an idea ?
05-03-2022 01:38 PM
I'm seeing it in the Google Play store:
Optik TV® - Apps on Google Play
I suspect the app isn't compatible with your TV. More info here:
Why Can't I Download Certain Apps on the Google Play Store? (makeuseof.com)
05-03-2022 02:52 PM
Optik TV is not compatible with my Sony. Not sure if it's true for all Android TVs.
05-03-2022 02:56 PM
Unless it was there by accident for a short amount of time (I'm not aware of this), there has never been an Android TV app available for Optik TV. There is a Google Play Store listing for the Optik TV app, but this is for Android mobile, not Android TV.
The development team is looking at introducing new ways to watch for the Optik TV app, but currently these are limited to Apple TV, iOS and Android mobile, and the browser at watchoptik.telus.com.