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How to stop the "press the ok button on your remote to watch recordings"


We have a main telus PVR box that is not connected to a tv. We have 2 satellite boxes. When watching recordings on either box, the message above shows up. It stays on the screen for a second or 3 and flashes sporadically (about 20 times) in a 40 minute recording. It only happens when watching recordings, not live tv. Our boxes, according to Telus, are the most recent version. They have all been restarted. I've shut down the modem into the house and rebooted from there before rebooting the PVR and tv boxes. This has been happening for over a year, and there has been no resolution. Has anybody found the fix for this yet? @bwm did you get your fix?


Friendly Neighbour

No, it's still going on.  Most annoying when watching sports on pvr which I do a lot of because the remote control (back, forward, skip, pause.....) are disabled when the message is on the screen - sometimes for 10+ seconds. 

In the scope of world problems, it's low, but Telus has to be better.  I've spent hours on tech support with Telus over the past 2 years and nobody has come up with a solution.  I'm told I have the most recent equipment, but Telus should still replace all 4 of my units just to eliminate that as an issue (possibly)  That will be by next request. (Telus, if you're listening, please schedule me in for pvr replacement)

TELUS Team Member
TELUS Team Member

Hi @mytaxis @bwm , @A-B is going to reach out to gather account info from you so we can investigate. 


In the meantime, can someone share a photo of this pop-up message?

Hi Kate, I have also been getting the same message sporadically on any of my three wireless tv boxes (2 different models) and have had telus  try to fix it numerous times over the past few months (happening for 10) via phone and with a tech visit as recently as yesterday (Feb 21, 2023).

This issue started happening ever since the upgrade to Wi-Fi+ service and never occurred with regular copper service or the regular fibre service (with Telus). Things have been rebooted numerous times on both my end and Telus’ end, reprogrammed on telus end, the pvr has been replaced, all old generation technology has been removed ((incompatible boosters), Ethernet wires have been replaced.  With each of these I kept getting promises that “this will fix it”


Yet the message keeps popping up while watching recordings as well as the other glitches mentioned by others (I have not experienced the Prime message mentioned above). I even had one of the techs see it occurring while on remote video call with him a number of calls ago. It is hard to take a photo of the message as it goes away within a few second, but it’s the same one that shows up on the “recordings” channel when not playing a


 Those on the help desk keep telling me I’m the only person they’ve heard having this problem, but apparently I’m not alone.


Oops…the tech visit should have read Feb 21, 2024

Hi @IWannaC2 @mytaxis @bwm we're still investigating on the backend. In the meantime, can you confirm if this is happening on the non-PVR boxes or PVR boxes? Thanks!

My PVR is NOT connected directly to a television. It is connected directly to the blue and white “tower” via a cat6 Ethernet cable as per help desk’s instructions about a month or so ago.


This message appears on any of our 3 wireless tv boxes (non-pvr) depending on which one is watching a recording.  One is model UIW4001e and other two are model VIP5202W.

Just here to say it's still happening and @A-B has not reached out as stated above.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Actually I sent you a private message on that day (it's still in my Sent folder)







I'll send another now, thanks.

Friendly Neighbour

Ok. Thanks.


I’ve been following the thread and, quite frankly, it is something that Telus should deal with by sending the appropriate equipment with technicians that know why this is happening.


The problem still persists on my TV’s as always and is annoying enough to consider cancelling our Telus service. We’re paying full “pop” for something that isn’t performing to it’s fullest potential. I’m not getting “what I pay for”.



[mod edit: private info]


Agreed I feel the only fix is the swap to Bell it should be an easy fix which is frankly very annoying 


So, after 3 live human tech visits (in addition to the phone and video chats), the removal of non-compatible equipment, the installation of different non-compatible equipment, the re-evaluate of that non-compatible equipment, the installation of 3 (three) mini tower extenders (Boost 6E Minis) which have al placed hg 2 feet of the TV wireless boxes, pair all of the new minis to main Boost tower, and doing obligatory rebooting of equipment, this message and associated quirks still occur while at Ching recordings.  During the various conversations, there seems to be repeated mention of a firmware problem, and one mentioned that there was an update around that time that I started seeing  this message (August/September of 2023), shortly after having WiFi Plus services installed.  

Regardless, the phone techs and live techs don’t agree with each other in terms of possible causes and potential fixes…. and apparently the “backend” department cares nothing about its customers or the satisfaction with the provided services (or lack of).


Kate, is it possible to get a response from “them” or someone who is in charge of “them”, with some answers, intentions, work plans on what is being done to fix this problem?

TELUS Team Member
TELUS Team Member

Kate's taking a well-deserved holiday, so I'll do my best to weigh in. I think that the potential root of the problem is that the Boost 6E minis that were installed are not compatible with Optik TV Wireless Digital Boxes. This is likely causing networking problems between the hard-drive PVR and digital boxes. It's unclear to me why your technicians would have installed this equipment; if you still have their business card I would call them back, or you should be able to resolve this through your WiFi Plus subscription.

Thanks for chiming in KMR.  The on-site techs we ly doing as instructed by the tech I spoke with on the phone.  The issue started about months ago…long before the 6E minis were installed so you can’t claim the minis are causing the problems.  According to Telus, all current equipment is compatible in their yet and aompatiblee quipment has been removed.


Next guess?

Clarification….about 7 months ago…..

TELUS Team Member
TELUS Team Member

Thanks @IWannaC2


You mention " I started seeing  this message (August/September of 2023), shortly after having WiFi Plus services installed." and " the installation of different non-compatible equipment".


It sounds like whatever was done in the summer, and perhaps the installation of non-compatible equipment is the problem. As individual network setups can vary greatly, your best course of action is to continue down the road with tech support, as I'm far from an internet or networking expert. However, if it were me...I would perform some elimination tests to see if you can isolate the problem. What happens if you disconnect your Wireless Digital Boxes from any and all boosts/extenders and connect them directly to your gateway, either wired or wirelessly? If you still see the errors, then the issue isn't with the boosters. If things work fine, then the issue IS the boosters. This bit of information will guide the next steps, either for you or for tech support/technicians. 


Current update…. The final option (because Telus doesn’t care) that is available is to replace the 4k pvr and associated wireless tv boxes with the new “Digital” boxes telus us supplying to their new customers (but hiding them from their exiting ones). These are referred to as “evolution” even though not labeled as such.  


These are android based, and PVR storage is cloud based with an additional $10 per month charge for that.  Additionally, the pvr storage is only for 90 days. The user interface is very poorly designed…I assume by people who do not watch TV or Record and playback shows.  The remote does have dedicated Netflix and Prime buttons, does light up when woken up, and also has some voice command compatibility.  Navigation throughout the various menus and options is also very, very poorly  designed (did I say very). Even though it claims to be an easy self-install, there is no detailed how to manual or instructions.  I spent over an hour on the phone with tech support setting up the boxes, as most of my ho- to questions were not covered in the documentation, nor in the online wizards on Telus’ website.  

But back to the point of this forum thread…. Since replacing and reprogramming on Friday, there have been no noticed messages or notifications to “press ok on your remote…”. However  3 days doesn’t mean the downfalls of the android  system isn’t worse than the previous devil.  Hopefully there are many improvements coming in the near future.

If interested, these can be ordered on, or the loyalty department….you just need to return the old equipment to Telus…


This customer may be moving elsewhere in the future if Telus continues to care less and less about what it supples to its customers.

TELUS Team Member
TELUS Team Member

Hi @IWannaC2 


I'd love to understand more about your comments around the self-installation. Did your kit not include a 'Quick Install Guide'? It should have included the basic instructions (effectively plug in the HDMI, plug in the power adapter and follow the on-screen steps) as well as a QR code that should lead you to If there was specific information that you found lacking/missing, it would be great to understand so I can pass it along to the right folks for improvement.


In addition - I'd love feedback on what you do and don't like in the user interface. There are certain guidelines that must be adhered to per Google, but there is some customisability as well. I have had Android TV devices for a few years, so I have a good comfort level, but feedback is welcome!

That’s disappointing… I am having the same issue and thought I would check the forum. Not sure I want to deal with the hassle. We are on our second box (for a different reason), but this issue started on our old box and is worse with this one. 😕

Telus support claims the issue doesn’t exist….its “our fault”, but they perhaps could fix it “at a cost” by providing wired access points….sort of defeats the whole wireless benefits.


I tried the new android boxes (with the cloud-based recording at an extra cost), and returned then within 2 weeks.  The new boxes (Evolution) have more user interface issues and difficulty in operation than the old 4k boxes.  


We got the 4k boxes reinstalled, and tolerate the inconvenience of the message appearing rather than the poorly-designed Evolution box usability issues.