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Contracts up but app won't allow plan change!

My 2 year contract ended last month. In the Telus app, I went to the "Change Plan" option to get me a more affordable plan for the quarantine/lockdown lifestyle.
. But the system only shows and allows me to use my current plan as my ONLY option. Only things I can edit are the add ons. Also, there's no live agent on the chat. Just the bot. When asking for a live agent, they only have a call back service (for the next day!) How do I change my plan considering my contract is done!?!?

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi there, can you send us a private message on Facebook or Twitter and we can change the plan for you. Thanks!

Community Power User
Community Power User

If I recall, the change plan works as you described, allowing you to make changes within your plan. If you wish to switch to a different plan, you’ll need to speak to a Customer Service Rep.


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