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TELUS Rewards page not loading


When I try to access the rewards page from a browser this is all I get:



It works when accessing from the My TELUS app and I'm able to select a reward to redeem but then I get this:

I've waited and tried later several times now with no luck.

163 REPLIES 163

Are they? Because it's been 4 months and it shouldn't have to take that long to fix this! Why offer a rewards program and then not have it accessible? 

Community Manager
Community Manager

They sure are.

Uh huh. Sure. It's June (actually almost the end of June) and still nothing. This is not actively working to fix it. 


I have been dealing with issues with the reward page now for a couple of months. First I wasn't able to redeem my awards but could access the catalogue. The reason given to me as to why I couldn't was that I recently moved and it takes a while to upload the new information. But the thing is, I had already been living at my new house for 3 months when I got that message. That was back in January. But now I can't even access the rewards catalogue, and it has been a couple weeks.

Just Moved In

Just wanna add to the stats here that the Telus Rewards page is not working for me. it's Mar 30. It keeps reloading over and over and over but never fully loading a page. 


I can't get into my Rewards page either. And yes I went to Telus Overview and Clicked on My Rewards.  

Community Manager
Community Manager

Are you seeing a specific error screen when attempting to log in?


Same here same issue no resolution .this is terrible customer service 4 months to resolve a issue is not acceptable 

Helpful Neighbour
Its still not loading 3 months later. Telus fix this!

Community Manager
Community Manager

Are you seeing a specific error screen when attempting to log in?

Helpful Neighbour
Nope no error message. It displays a blank telus page or from the app it shuts the app down

Helpful Neighbour
This is one of about 6-8 issues with Telus I am dealing with. I am beyond pissed off with Telus that I have decided to leave Telus. I am angry and tired of all the questions and no solutions.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Ahh ok, sorry to hear that. Just going around on behalf of the Rewards team to see what specific error screens customers are getting as we may have some resolution here. 


Hope to see you back with TELUS someday, and we'll be here for any questions down the road!

Just Moved In

It is now april and my telus rewards page still will not load

Community Manager
Community Manager

Are you receiving a specific page error when attempting or is it just clocking, etc.?

Community Manager
Community Manager

Are you seeing a specific error screen when attempting to log in?

Friendly Neighbour

FYI my son is having the exact same issue. Two accounts, neither will work with any browser or the app and all of the suggested solutions are completely useless. It appears this has been happening to people for months, who, exactly, is working on fixing this? 

Community Manager
Community Manager

Our Rewards team is working on a fix for this.

Friendly Neighbour

Sure they are.

Community Manager
Community Manager

What specific screen/error are you seeing when attempting to log in?

Friendly Neighbour

No error, just a page, exactly like the first post in this three with a bunch of legalese and nothing else.