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How to get Account Deleted!


Hi - Telus put fibre lines up to our houses last fall - we never had Telus in this community before.  In Feb I did sign up for a package but stopped it because of miss-representation and mix-ups with the installers that came to the house.  So Telus has NEVER EVER been installed in this house (only a little cable line to a box on the outside of the house).  Yet I keep getting billing statements.  I have managed, by repeated calls, to get them to reverse all the charges for everything but I'm still getting monthly bills now for , $-0.88 !

I have tried finding an email to ask Telus to completely DELETE my account but I can't find any email to sent a message to and I'll attach the recent bill I just received so they can see it.  Any help would be appreciated since it's frustrating to keep seeing these bills show up.




Hey @Lowcarber if your balance is negative, that means that we owe you money and that the account is cancelled

Hi Eric - yes I do realise that I owe no money - but is there a way to get the account itself cancelled so that they will stop sending me the bills??  It's obviously still active since I'm still getting the bills, this latest one just came today - so the account is not cancelled.  I'm just tired of seeing the e-bills come every month (even if I don't owe anything).

@Lowcarber You will be receiving up to three more bills after the account has been cancelled showing a balance of $0. After that, the bills will stop

Thanks for the reply - this has been going on since the end of January, very beginning of February - so 4 months since cancellation.  Honestly and sadly, I have lost faith that they know what they are doing or really don't care.  Customer service on the phone was great at getting questions answered - but getting something done is another story.

Community Manager
Community Manager

If you signed up as stated in February and then cancelled, then theoretically the final bill will have been March - April - May. So, if you receive another one in June (4 since the cancellation) let us know and we'll investigate!

Hi - it was the end of January that the cancellation was done because my new contract with Shaw started then (Jan 29th) - so the sign up and cancellation both were between Jan 15 - 29th .  If I receive another bill from Telus I will let you know here and hopefully it can be investigated.  Again, thanks for the replies 🙂

Community Manager
Community Manager

Yes, please do! Appreciate your patience with this!