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I live in the sticks with no other internet except my hot-spot, no low-speed data coverage and my contract says so many GB's worth of high speed data after which it's low-speed. The problem is that there is NO low-speed data service. This amounts to fraud I think. Last month I blew my limit 3 days before the end of the month and ended up with no internet! Will I have to launch a collective lawsuit to change things or just file with the Communications Commission asking to force the averaging out of usage over the previous 12 months?



Official Support Team
Official Support Team

Hi @bent_fender - we slow down the connection to 512kbps once you reach your cap on a mobility line. This may seem that you no longer have internet but it's just not the regular speed that you are used to. We recommend perhaps going with a higher data bucket if you want to use more

512 kbps would be fine thank you but I'm getting NOTHING. You know who I am and where I live, so which antenna would that be coming from?