You'll need to determine first if you're using Telus's voicemail or the voicemail that Apple built into your phone. Apple added the Live Voicemail feature to all iPhones that are running iOS 17 or later. It was automatically turned on by default. That is usually the one that kicks in first before the call even goes to Telus voicemail. I don't believe there are any settings to control the number of rings for Apple's Live Voicemail. If you disabled it and used Telus's voicemail instead, that should give you the ability to control the rings.
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You'll need to determine first if you're using Telus's voicemail or the voicemail that Apple built into your phone. Apple added the Live Voicemail feature to all iPhones that are running iOS 17 or later. It was automatically turned on by default. That is usually the one that kicks in first before the call even goes to Telus voicemail. I don't believe there are any settings to control the number of rings for Apple's Live Voicemail. If you disabled it and used Telus's voicemail instead, that should give you the ability to control the rings.
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