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Constantly charged for roaming without leaving the country.


My family has a cottage on the north shore of Lake Erie, approx 60 km across the USA to Dunkirk Pennsylvania.

I _Constantly_ get "welcome to the USA" notices and charges of $12 per day, even though I haven't left Canada in probably twenty years. This , despite data roaming disabled on my phone. Does anyone else have this issue? This is getting to be crazy annoying.  According to multiple maps I can find, Telus has towers physically closer, yet my phone constantly roams to the US. Is this an issue of signal strength? 

Does anyone else have this problem? Having to deal with this constantly is crazy annoying. 


Should also note - my wife is on Bell, my work phone is on Rogers - neither of those carriers seem to have this issue.


Community Power User
Community Power User

In the carrier settings of your phone, there should be an option to switch from ‘Automatic’ to a selection of carriers. If you choose ‘Telus’ from the list which populates, you will no longer roam on other networks.

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Telus has charged me for roaming in 2020 (even when we couldn't legally leave the country) at the Scarborough Bluffs, and less than a month ago, when I was in Prince Edward County... I have already chatted with your rep, who explained that it auto connects to a US carrier, why, I don't need a US connection, as I am no where near a border crossing even. This is a false charge. My friend works at Rogers, and these charges are called "Accidental Charges" and even if its 20 cents, they remove them. This is false charge, TELUS is incorrectly and unfairly charging us for $11 a day for being in the same country- I never even went onto Lake Ontario in both cases, and was never near a border crossing even. Remove these false charges! 

correction: "accidental roaming charges"

Hi Deejay, as NFtoBC mentioned bill changes / corrections can't be done via the forums here. You would need to call in or use the chat feature for that. Also as previously mentioned in this thread and in order to prevent any accidental roaming, you would need to set the network selection mode on your device to manual (turn off Automatic) and once the scan is complete select TELUS. Cheers!

I spent an hour on the phone with Telus to no avail, and emailed in twice before posting here. Other people should be aware that Telus will incorrectly bill you for accidental roaming. I did not leave the country, I have already turned off roaming, however, these incorrect charges should be removed regardless. I spoke with a friend who works at Rogers, and they remove them. 

Community Power User
Community Power User

You realize the Neighbourhood is inhabited by Telus customers who have no ability to effect changes to your account? 

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see above.