I received an email from Telus complaining about government internet decisions and asking me to sign this petition. Unfortunately, the information provided on what the government is doing and why I should sign the petition was woefully inadequate.
First of all, Telus, badly done. If you are going to ask people to be active on your behalf, give FAR more information than that. I would like to know who approved that email and that message on the petition page. I mean I would genuinely like to know the person's name so I can contact them.
Secondly, does anyone know what this is actually about and can someone point me to more information?
If you want to sign, go to do some research. Telus is trying to get their customers to get a CRTC change that only will profit their corporation. This will not bring prices down for Telus customers. If you want to save money switch to a 3rd party ISP cut your internet rate up to half.
Supposedly the petition has to do with the CRTC decision allowing 3rd party ISPs to use existing infrastructure and that there is a supposed plan by some politician to reverse that decision. Telus is the 3rd party in Ontario and Quebec in most areas. The CRTC allowed other providers to use exsiting fibre infrastructure out there so I believe Telus is using Bell's fibre network in places out there.
There's a reddit discussion on it here:
Telus also has a press release about it here from back in November. Link is from the comments of that reddit discussion.
So this decision that Telus wants us to get all up in arms about would prevent fiber and cable suppliers from pretending to be small resellers. It would prevent suppliers from forcing other suppliers to allow each other to resell services.
Fantastic! I love this. Let the small resellers have more of the pie.
No wonder Telus gave no information in their email.