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Property damage not dealt with

Friendly Neighbour

Some telus crews trespassed on my property and caused pretty substantial damage. Aside from sending someone to my home to try to threaten me into signing an easement contract, they have refused to deal with the issue or even respond to me. Has anyone had any luck getting telus to take responsibility for their actions?


Community Manager
Community Manager

Very sorry about that. We can definitely look into this and have it escalated to get you a callback to discuss further. Feel free to send me a private message with your address and I can take a look, thanks.

Friendly Neighbour

*MOD EDIT - Private info* This has been "escalated" dozens of times now.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey, I had to delete the private info in that post. Also going to lock this post as it's been escalated and is being actively worked on. Really appreciate your patience!

Friendly Neighbour
Has anyone had any luck getting telus to deal with the property damage their crews cause? They refuse to even respond to me, aside from sending someone to my home to try to force me into signing an easement.

Friendly Neighbour
Has anyone been able to get telus to repair the property damage their crews cause? They refuse to even respond to me.