11-27-2023 01:22 AM
11-27-2023 09:58 PM
Try unplugging the PS5, then unplugging the Wifi Booster. Then reboot the router (Network Access Hub). After it has fully rebooted then plug in the wifi booster and wait until the light is a solid green. After that turn on the PS5 and see if it connects. Failing that I'm not sure, but one should also ensure the PS5 is up to date with all updates etc.
12-19-2023 12:20 AM
12-19-2023 01:10 AM
If you access your gateway at, take note of the public IP address. After that, go to any website that will show you your public IP, such as https://www.whatismyip.com/ and see if it matches the IP on the gateway.