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A new tool, powered by artificial intelligence (AI), helps our team serve customers in a manner that’s safe, efficient, and convenient. TechSee is a leading computer vision solution that enables frontline technicians to see inside the customer’s home and provide clear, visual instructions — without being on-site.


The Virtual Support and Innovation team (VSIT), a specialized team of technicians are currently using TechSee to assist customers with tasks that traditionally require a home visit. In some cases, the solution is as simple as adjusting the position of a modem.


Additionally, for any issues reported on the TELUS My Wi-Fi app, VSIT technicians proactively contact customers and use TechSee to offer immediate assistance.


Here’s how it works:


  1. The customer is prompted with a text message sent from the technician to join a video call using TechSee.
  2. Once the customer accepts, the video call begins, powered by computer vision: a field of AI that derives information from visual inputs. The video call allows the technician to see the customer’s devices (think wireless hub, cable modem, TV set, etc.) in their environment.
  3. Through the video call, the technician can provide step-by-step guidance, troubleshooting support, and real-time feedback to resolve the issue, and empower the customer to self-serve.

Soon, augmented reality (AR) technology will be launched as an additional capability with TechSee, enhancing the user experience and providing clear recognition of the device type to technicians.


What do you think? TechSee provides ease, convenience, and low-touch interactions for our customers. We’d love to hear what you think. If you’ve had an experience with TechSee or another AI technology, tell us about it below.