When you really think about it, the earth is what we all have in common. To most, Canada is known for hockey, maple syrup, and brutally cold winters. What most don’t know, Canada contains within its borders a vast variety of geographic features: largest area of intact forest, fresh water lakes and longest marine coast.
With Canada Environment Week on June 5th, here are some ways we can make a positive impact for more sustainable living.
- Walking and cycling, can help reduce 54% of transportation emissions that come from passenger transportation. Tree Canada’s Carbon Calculator can help you measure your carbon footprint.
- Heating and cooling your home accounts for almost 65% of household energy use. Adjust your thermostat to minimize the difference between the temperature indoors and the temperature outdoors. Discover how to reduce waste energy in your home with Your Plan, Your Planet.
- Check recycling instructions for your municipality to ensure proper sorting. Improperly sorted recycling often ends up in the landfill since the materials are no longer able to be recovered. Check out a cool example: Recycling Council of BC’s Recyclepedia tool.
- Running partially empty washing machines and dishwashers increases water usage unnecessarily. Resource-efficient models can cut water usage down even further. Find out how Energy Star Canada certified machines can save water, energy and money.
Get the kids involved!
We’d love to hear some ways you’re impacting the environment sustainably. To learn more, visit telus.com/sustainability