11-30-2023 02:01 PM - last edited January
Dear Neighbours,
We’re experimenting with different formats to assure you we’re listening and working on improvements to the TELUS TV platforms. We have frequent releases designed to tackle the platform's immediate and long-term stability, and we’ll do our best to keep this thread up to date with each new release to celebrate our wins together.
Please note this is not an exhaustive list; minor customer-facing fixes and non-customer-facing backend work are not included.
Q4 2024: (note: had to remove previous updates due to character limits on post)
Q3 2024:
Your Friendly Neighbourhood TV Product Development Team.
I can’t think of a single update that didn’t somehow make them more money. Lots of added channels that you have to subscribe to but no LONG desired features.
Turned on the TV and My Subscribed was default
SHAME on you. I want My Favorites to be the default. Having fixed this in February and lost in July this is disgraceful.
As the old adage goes "fool me once shame on me, fool me twice shame on you".
Seen enough. I'm not staying around for 2 (more) years of this aggravation.
October - last edited October
Today I received my replacement tuner box, had a hardware issue, took forever to start after power outage. I wrote down specs of the old 21T and checked the new 21T
Appr version old 21T, new 21T Timestamp 2024-08-28
Config old 21T 1724850600, new 21T 1725606457. Timestamp 2024-09-06
Obviously the new box searched and found an update that the old box did not see. Today is 2024-10-04
My hunch was correct, a lot of our problems is the 21T tuner. I wondered about tech support saying unable to duplicate a few times. Time will tell if this one will last longer than 13 months.
Good to know if My Favorites is the default and Scheduled Programs quit disappearing! Hopefully this can still be addressed without everyone requiring a new tuner box?
I'm gonna do some reconnaissance on Rogers/Shaw. If I like what I find I'll be bidding adieu.
Just thought I'd jump in on your box replacement theory wrt My Favorites defaulting.
Not sure if I'm misinterpreting your hunch on the 21T tuner. Maybe a faulty box here and there. I have (3), all of which the tuner (firmware) seems to be working fine. It's the programming software functionality and remote interface that sucks!
Having only been on this platform since August, I've had all updates...App, Configs and Time Stamps and currently at, etc.
That said, My Favorites (when selected and 🩵 'ed) has always held as default, but only "inside" the guide, what I've called a "work around". Outside the guide, when channelling up+/down- during regular viewing, it still scrolls thru all subscribed channels. Essentialy defaults back to All Subscribed "outside" the guide.
Is that still your experience with the tuner and remote functions?
Since last night there is 3 speed of fast forward done in about 30 second intervals and screen shots each time so you can see if you have forwarded far enough.
This thread was closed, tought I would pass along a kudo
November is the latest version.
If that was rolled out October 24th then the "My Favorites" is now once again the default since this rollout when TV is first turned on.
Thanks for your feedback. We'll pass it along to our Devs.
If our reply resolved your issue, please click on Accept as Solution to help others in the community.
Mine scrolls, well one per click with with up/dpwn.
It does go to subscribed with channel +/-, as before. I almost never use that as have gotten used to the wheel of commands?
I’ve had the new Telus TV Android boxes since February now but keep having issues with the one on my bedroom tv. I live in a 1050sq foot condo so it should not be an issue but Telus offered me the wifi plus package with additional wifi boosters. I have put one of those in the bedroom and connected to the Telus TV box via Ethernet but still get errors almost every day, especially on the Sportsnet 4K channels. My Apple TV box in the same room works just fine over wifi connection. The same Telus TV box often starts up in a pixelated purple/green screen with the Telus TV logo. I have tried calling into Telus and am tired of being given the run around and them trying to charge for a tech to come out and see if there is an issue. I can tell them that there is certainly an issue, my guess is with the Telus TV box. I’m currently paying the extra $10/month for the extra wifi boosters that don’t seem to make any difference.
Do any forum members have any tips for getting this resolved? I have waited on hold for multiple hours and then told the department is now closed. It is so hard to get a hold of an actual person now with Telus and it is so frustrating. And then if I do get someone, I am thrown around to different departments with no answer. Please help Telus.
December - last edited December
Hi @craiger8 , Welcome to the TELUS nightmare...
Anyway, the most obvious and simplest thing to try (IMHO) is to actually ascertain whether your issue is hardware related, i.e. if a TELUSTV_21T STB is faulty before anything else. Trying multiple possible fixes at the same time will just confuse the issue. Forget removing boosters and adding Ethernet etc etc. My advice is to try only one thing, just one thing, at a time. You are fortunate(?) that you have more than one STB (TELUS_21T set top box) - if only for ruling out a potential hardware issue.
1. Directly swap the 2 boxes over using exactly the same connection method.
a] If you experience exactly the same issue on your bedroom tv, then it is not the set top box.
b] If the fault transfers to the other location and the bedroom tv now works, the STB is faulty. Contact TELUS support, explain your test and get them to send you a new STB cause it's faulty!
I am happy to help you try and isolate 'your' issue further, if you wish, just reply to this post with the results of test 1.
Good luck! I'm just 'another' frustrated TELUS customer like yourself. I hope this helps! 😉
The quality is embarrassing. Had some friends over to watch football playoffs and I have a great set up - high end 4K projector, 4K TV etc... and everyone commented how awful it looked. Not great advertising for Telus.
4 weeks ago
For anyone that has a Zyxel 5 port switch from TELUS, I had 3 next to the 3200 gateway, a month ago 1 went, then yesterday a 2nd one broke. The symptom is all LEDs flash green then all turn off over and over again. I bought a switch to replace in the spot I had 3 Zyxel 5 port switches. I still have 4 x Zyxel 5 port switches at each TV or desktop PC.
get rid of the wifi booster and run an ethernet cable, even temporary to eliminate the WIFI as a possible problem. There are too many in consistant issues to pin a problem on one source with Telus. I have repeatable said it is a hardware problem which software cannot fix.
November - last edited November
I connect the bedroom tv box via Ethernet to the wifi booster. It only has one Ethernet port so I can’t do the Apple TV box as well but it works just fine over a wifi connection, which shows support for the Telus hardware being the issue as you said. The main booster modem is too far to run an Ethernet cable to the bedroom tv box.
That being said, these devices are marketed to run off wifi connection and I live in a small space at 1050sq feet. If they can’t run off a wifi connection here, I can only imagine what others in larger houses are dealing with.
No Q4 updates?