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Optik TV Error Message


Every time I turn on my TV’s, on a LG and a Samsung, I get this green error message.  I press OK and it goes away and the TV programming is back to normal.  Does anyone know how to get rid of it? Here’s what it says:


Sorry, the application you have tried to access is temporarily unavailable. Please try again.  Error code 0


Community Power User
Community Power User

I'm seeing this as well. I believe this is related to the Home screen which currently doesn't appear to be accessible when I get this message.


I don't think there is anything that can be done as this appears to be something Telus will need to address on their end.


I've seen the message in the past and eventually it cleared up on it's own.

Just a long time customer hoping to help.

Just Moved In

I have been getting the same error code message. I've followed the reboot steps of the modem, pvr & digital boxes from the Telus support website, called Telus 3 times who reboot the system from their end. It clears up for awhile then comes back, sometimes same day. Very frustrating. Wonder if the modem is actually defective?.